I loved this story when I saw it. It reminded me of this white cat that used to live near us years ago. We would buy catnip toys (one particular one) for our cats, and this cat would come into our place and take them. We were forever replacing them. By chance we finally met the owner and found out that white cat (we called him Thiefy) had a huge stash of these toys and that the lady never knew where he got them from.
Wow, this lady takes action and is very dedicated to helping! Like she said people are very uneducated and unaware. Some people have very little sensitivity to an animal. Like she said "I have the dog for protection" and it's on some short chain". Thanks Petra for posting this.
It takes around 30 minutes in real time to clean it. I guess it flushes with real water and then has a dryer to dry the cat litter. Hahaha!
We have tried every self cleaning litter box on the market…but this one just looks to darn complicated.