Under short
To answer about the teeth, at 8 months old most of the time the will not fix but sometimes if it just the front teeth and the canine still have correct alignment the bite will fix. Sometimes the teeth in the front will change alignment several times. They may or may not produce it in their immediate offspring but even if their offspring have good bites, the issue can crop up again in a future generation.
Since you are having the issue of her not getting along with another dog, it probably isn't going to be worth waiting and hoping that it fixes and then possibly having it go off again at later age. If you really think she may be an asset to your breeding program other than her bite, maybe you can find a co-ownership arrangement where the new owner will not be too disappointed if her bite never fixes and she is really just a well loved pet.
I think there is perhaps a slight language barrier here.
Pearl, I don't think anyone intended to make you upset or make you feel stupid. I'm sorry if that's the way you feel. Perhaps you could post in your native language and one of our forum friends from Sweden could interpret for us and visa versa.
Administrator, would this be OK ?
Hi friends!
I am sure all of you just want to help Pearl. But….I do understand english well and some of you started to not answear on "teeth or fight" question, but with responsibility questions and breeding ethics. I know it belongs to all this, but maybe Pearl knows all about it and just needed some another opinion about her bitches bite. -
I guess I am the
some of you started to not answear on "teeth or fight" question, but with responsibility questions and breeding ethics
, however, IMO and I am not a breeder..maybe one day, not now..if you have to question the bitches bite problem and fighting, maybe you should look into the breed further…again IMO.
I guess I am the , however, IMO and I am not a breeder..maybe one day, not now..if you have to question the bitches bite problem and fighting, maybe you should look into the breed further…again IMO.
Wow. :rolleyes:
Meaning, if you are planing on breeding a dog even if several years down the line, don't you fall in love with it as soon as you get it..and not part with it because it has an over bite. Wouldn't you want to own one for some time, before you decide, I am going to breed this bitch..one day.
Hi friends!
I am sure all of you just want to help Pearl. But….I do understand english well and some of you started to not answear on "teeth or fight" question, but with responsibility questions and breeding ethics. I know it belongs to all this, but maybe Pearl knows all about it and just needed some another opinion about her bitches bite.Thank you Petra. You're the voice of reason. I hope Pearl is still reading:).
I hope Pearl is still on here too, although probably sleeping as it is in the middle of night over there.
If I quit coming on here because of all the "bad/negative" feedbacks I have gotten or what ever you want to call it, I would be loosing out on so much information and fun stuff too. You have to take everything with a grain of salt as it is merely an opinion and yes, sometimes, heck lots of times, opinions hurt and make you mad.. but they also make you learn more. -
Petra, you are right, but this is a forum and everybody reacts in its own way. Pearl's post did bring up a lot of questions for me personally. If Pearl doesn't want to answer them, she can ignore them and only react to the posts she does like. We don't know Pearl, so when she posts something, we can't tell how much she already knows. We react to what we read.
and of course we all hope that Pearl will keep hanging around here on the forum :)
Of, course, I agree with all you have posted, just trying to be also on Pearl?s side little bit. I know that all questions and thinkings you have posted are right, but maybe Pearl deliberates it and only wanted to know something other. Maybe. (including her language problem)
Ofcourse I stay…
But I became sad when I didn't get answers on my question. All I wanted was some help "thinking"!
I have show her all summer... And the criticism was fairly good. She has been a little bit to fat.... The two latest shows she got "under short" on her criticism. The judge, on our last show, come up to my "show help" and said that it hurt her that my dogs teeths was not ok, otherwise she had but her on the topp! So I think that she is a good exampel for the Basenji apart from the teeths... I train obedience with her and she is doing very well!!! We also practise some agility (?) but just at home, for fun.
So I haven't just got an Basenji becouse I wanted to breed, but I have (as I said) breed om jack russels and I wanted to expand my kennel with Basenji, the breed that I loved for over 15years! But I have waited for the right time, and I wanted to have good dog experience before I got my first Basenji...So mabye I did wrong.. I should just writen the stuff about the teeths..
I think that she will be staying her! I can have them separate!
She sounds like a lovely little girl, we would love to see pictures..;)
Could you take some pictures of her teeth like Janneke mentioned and maybe post them on here for the gals and guys on here that are knowledgeable breeders to look at..
I am glad that you are still on here..;) -
I have had issues with getting the pictures on here as well, and have been going through photobucket.com. It is free, you just sign up, down load your pictures into your account, once they are done, copy the img code at the bottom of your picture and paste it into your post. I hope that helps. There are various different image websites you can use, photobucket is just one of many and the only one I use, since I finally figured it out..
Ofcourse I stay…
But I became sad when I didn't get answers on my question. All I wanted was some help "thinking"!
I have show her all summer... And the criticism was fairly good. She has been a little bit to fat.... The two latest shows she got "under short" on her criticism. The judge, on our last show, come up to my "show help" and said that it hurt her that my dogs teeths was not ok, otherwise she had but her on the topp! So I think that she is a good exampel for the Basenji apart from the teeths... I train obedience with her and she is doing very well!!! We also practise some agility (?) but just at home, for fun.
So I haven't just got an Basenji becouse I wanted to breed, but I have (as I said) breed om jack russels and I wanted to expand my kennel with Basenji, the breed that I loved for over 15years! But I have waited for the right time, and I wanted to have good dog experience before I got my first Basenji...So mabye I did wrong.. I should just writen the stuff about the teeths..
I think that she will be staying her! I can have them separate!
In my experience, teeth that are off after the adult teeth come in rarely go back to the correct position. They may get a bit better, but I have not really seen any that are correct. And since it is genetic for the most part, is you breed her you could see this problem in generations to come. Unless this bitch is an excellent representive of the breed in all others ways, I would not bred her.
Pat just question do you know what really makes the teeth go off? I know you say it is genetic but must start some were just like our children?
Rita Jean
It is typically because there is a flaw in the alignment of the jaw of the dog.. We have seen in our breed a lack of "underjaw"… (it is too short)... therefore the bite can go off.... Same thing can happen if the muzzle is too snipy... and narrow...
I don't believe it is anything like children/human teeth... IMO anyway