Your decor resembles my own home, but mine is in the form of several unstuffed couches..
Janice, that couch does have a cover on it for a reason:D ….....it is minus a little stuffing.........just a little.:D
I agree, it's why we love them so much........well sort of??:confused:
:D :D :D
" the pillow had a little too much stuffing ;)
If they would just stop at pillows…....but nooooooooooooooooo! Let's gut the couch.:eek: :D
I just love the guilty one watching :rolleyes: , must have done it in purpose or is he thinking your wife is also playing with the pillow :D !
He is the guilty one Seko, caught in the act…......on Christmas Eve no less!:)
For Christmas this year we bought Mali a stuffed goose with a squeaker inside. She would bite it, then pounce it, dig at it, and bite it again! She tore the leg off then tried to tear the wing… but ended up pulling all the stuffing out of one side before I could get it away from her... so much for the Christmas goose!!!
For Christmas this year we bought Mali a stuffed goose with a squeaker inside. She would bite it, then pounce it, dig at it, and bite it again! She tore the leg off then tried to tear the wing… but ended up pulling all the stuffing out of one side before I could get it away from her... so much for the Christmas goose!!!
Sounds oh so familar…:D We have several new toys they got for XMas that are minus eyes, ears, arms, legs.......sadistic little things aren't they?:D
I am just sitting here pondering exactly how we all "tolerate" this sadistic behavior as BB describes ;-) ! Everytime I go to clean up the next mess, I have a little "errrrrrrrrrrrrr" slip out, then calmly pick up the remains and move on. Have we become desensitized? What is it in our nature that allows this to go on??:D
You see, I tolerated the mess and pick up, clean and mop by the micro second, with thee dogs, but with a smile..at least they don't poop and pee everywhere(most of the time) So tell me, how high is high enough or fencing, like 10 feet??? are there couches made from stone? paper towels and toilet paper that can't be chewed? Janice
Hello there, Basenji Boy…sorry I've been absent for a while! All I can say is....I TOLD YOU SO!! LOL!
Just a few minutes ago, darling Nala stuck her head inside my niece's yucky useed tissues and was having a blast...heard from all, "EW...EW....EEEEW!" -
I am just sitting here pondering exactly how we all "tolerate" this sadistic behavior as BB describes ;-) ! Everytime I go to clean up the next mess, I have a little "errrrrrrrrrrrrr" slip out, then calmly pick up the remains and move on. Have we become desensitized? What is it in our nature that allows this to go on??:D
you know what… you're right! when you have B suddenly things like... the 14th pair of underware she's eaten isn't such a huge deal anymore, your old stuffed animals you had as keepsakes are suddenly in your B's toybox, that paper you were writing for your college class... yeah you know the prof won't believe your dog ate it but SHE REALLY DID!, and now it's just histarical every time the dog comes out of the bathroom with the roll of toilet paper in her mouth...
You really can't do anything but be desensitized when you have a B... not only that but pretty soon you start to not care so much about material things... lol...but always come up with new and interesting ways of keeping things you hold dear in safe spots.
You really can't do anything but be desensitized when you have a B… not only that but pretty soon you start to not care so much about material things... lol...but always come up with new and interesting ways of keeping things you hold dear in safe spots.
Thank you - well said! I used to be very careful of my furnishings - B4 Duke. Now I am just glad my couch is still comfortable. Though all walls were freshly painted a year ago, ball tossing and dog crashing have marred them up again! :( We must be GREAT dog people. Those who are not wouldn't tolerate a Basenji for 5 minutes. I am desensitized for the love of Duke. :)
Thank you - well said! I used to be very careful of my furnishings - B4 Duke. Now I am just glad my couch is still comfortable. Though all walls were freshly painted a year ago, ball tossing and dog crashing have marred them up again! :( We must be GREAT dog people. Those who are not wouldn't tolerate a Basenji for 5 minutes. I am desensitized for the love of Duke. :)
Special dogs, special people…....it could only be this way.
My kids didn't get away with nearly as much as our B's do.:D :D
My kids didn't get away with nearly as much as our B's do.:D :D
Seriously! If I'd done half the stuff my b does when I was a child I would've been in MAJOR trouble! Funny how things are different with B's… they're so amazingly different!
Special dogs, special people…....it could only be this way.
My kids didn't get away with nearly as much as our B's do.:D :D
OK . . . "special". We must be special because somehow our Basenji's cast a spell on us. :p
My son used to get away with many messes as a toddler. Now I make him go around and put away the dog toys and clean up Duke's mess under a living room chair (Duke's private chewing spot). :D
:p I have a used furniture dealer who knows me by name,, when I come in to buy new couches!!! How sadistic is this?? But it was mostly from those minpins a B is a pleasure to clean up after, at least They do not open the fridge, and walk on my counter tops grazing to see what crumbs may have been left behind!!And the dirty paw prints on the stove get wiped 4 times a day… my I love that my puppy can be crated and not complain about it..
My daughter came home from her holiday visit, and when the new puppy(Zaharah) saw her, she let out her first and not last, Barooo!! Now, in the am when she sees Ashley(daughter), she lets out the cutiest Baroo..... I just love these Bs, my older one does it when I come home form wherever I have been, and I swear, he is more welcoming than any husband I ever had!! -
I WISH it were my couches!!! At least I know they can't get sick from destroying a couch.
My B's think they are TERMITES :D someone forgot to tell them they're supposed to like fluffy things not WOOD uuugghh! I have a beautiful natural wood breakfast nook in the kitchen which now looks like termites have eaten most of it…only it was my dogs who've done the damage. I've rubbed down the whole thing with Vicks VapoRub which helped only now they are after the wooden joints beneath the bench :O they have managed to find small places that I missed!
Needless to say that you walk through my kitchen & your sinuses clear up instantly :)