My pregnancy
Lovely pics Kim :)
Little update…
Sigh, we did have a LOT of unfortune the last weeks with our ship :(
When we arrived at Bulstringen (germany) they unload us very fast.
But when we called for a starting time to load again, they told us their is another ship before us!
We immediately called a company that makes all the plans for loading and unloading and after 4th time calling them, we called the people of the ship that would load before us, told the story and they said.. I don't mind loading after you. :)At the way back, we had to fire the boy that worked for us.
it's a boy with a past, we know that, (we are a company with a certificate to offer a job to young people with a bad past)
Well, this boy worked earlier this year for us but had to fire him.
With some other circumstances we took him back and made a very BIG list for him with rules.
Well, Let me say he broke half of it and last week it went too far..
It was so bad, Kas and the boy were so angry that he wanted to leave the ship immediately.. well I spoke to him and Kas, I made then a bit calm and I told him he really had to stay to nieuwegein because I can't do his work anymore...
the hours after that we talked and talked with him, and the real problem turned out.. i won't tell that here because that's his personal problem but we made everyting up.. Yes too late, we won't take him back the third time.
He will stay untill the ship is in Nieuwegein...then, after one day, we were told there was another ship with the same material for the same company :eek: Just a day behind us...
Because we already lost so much time, we had to stay before that ship. and unload as first ship in Hengelo (nl)
We sailed very hard, sometimes untill 3 in the morning and the ship came closer every day..
We stayed before him after all, but we were sooo tired..The had told us the unload us wednesday, so we could sail to nieuwegein at thursday and arrive friday.. and then.. vacation and my due date!
but when we arrived, they needed other material first and they unload us thursday... sigh.. we only had one day left to sail to Nieuwegein....we thought we now had every possible problem on our way but no...
They unload us thursday and we wanted to sail back a piece already and we took off and a few minuts later I saw black smoke at the front of the ship :eek::confused::(
The motor in front of the ship stopped running the next moment.
We send the boy to check but he couldn't get near the motor because it was too hot! And everywere was smoke.. no fire.
When a ship is empty, you have not much power backwards with the main engine (the main engine is placed at the back of the ship) because the propellor lies a bit above the water surface.
We had to get the ship to the quay, bit difficult but Kas made it.Our greatest fear became so close then... what if we don't arrive at Nieuwegein on time?!!?!
And what if the motor in front of the ship totally died and have to buy a whole new one (about 20.000 euro's :eek:) Holland has a economical crisis, and especcialy the transport world had it very bad right now. (lot of company's already had to stop and we had a hard time too but we still are one of the company's with not much trouble) but a new motor.. ooo no!That night a machanic came to our ship and came with the results.. we didn't need a new motor!!!
But the reparation would be done after twoo weeks... (dissasemble, order the material and assemble)
And that was a very big dissapointment.. We really didn't want to stay at that place (about 2 hours drive to the hospital, family etc)
So we talked about it and made a decision,
Friday morning, Kas brought me with the dogs and cat to Woerden (that's were my parents live) and he would sail with the boy to nieuwegein. (friday and saturday)
All without the little motor... well I have to say I had to much stress to handle that. (it's a bit rough sailing, and the dogs and cat won't like it)I d?dn't want to share my stor untill I know for sure everyting went well and they are arrived in Nieuwegein without any more problems...
They did....The trip went great, Kas told me he really liked it to sail with a bit excitement and he sure is clever because he usually won;t use the little motor just for fun and to train himselfe... well that's why he didn't had any trouble with sailing without the little motor... :cool: (my man.. :D)
They FINALLY arrived at nieuwegein, Kas already is coming to my parents house to pick us all up... :D
Because it's saturday, the harbor was really busy and we did not got a place direct next to the quay but they had to put the ship next to another ship..
Kas called the man from the ship and told him our story.
I really can't climb over another big ship when I go into labor..
the man reacted: Well I know your problem, in about a few months I have exact the same problem because my wife also is pregnant!
Next monday I'm back at my ship and we will switch places...
I will come lie next to you and you can lie next to the quay!
Kas said he will do that by himselfe without my help (the boy left today and I can't handle the ropes anymore with my tummy. and without a little motor.. it's gonna give me too much stress) But I will help him, I will stand in, in the wheelhouse. If I can do someting, I will.The reparation of the little motor will take place during our holliday (we don;t have to help with that) so when we leave again after our holiday, it all will be fine again.. and safe!
A long update after all...
I have to go one week left, I'm feeling fine. Yes I'm really tired but next to that I'm feeling great. :D :D
Maybe the next time I give an update... It will be with pics from the little one with the doggies :D
OMG Kim,
i was just thinking about you today as you haven't posted for a little while.
Sorry to hear of all you troubles it sounds a nightmare. Glad things are ok now and that the engine is being fixed. Hope you find another person to help on your ship.
Try your best to relax and enjoy your last few days without the baby.
Looking foward to seeing some pics when the little one arrives -
Wow, Kim.
I am glad that is all behind you and Kas as you both or should I say all with the dogs, cat and rat (?), are getting ready for the big day. Rest as much as you possibly can and then rest some might need it once the lovely baby is here. Can't wait to here of the new update..take care. -
Hi there Kim.
..just wanted to shout out and see how you are doing. I know it must be getting close to baby time.. -
I'm doing great!!!
We just got back from the (I almost said vet.. :confused:) midwife and she told us everything went great with me and the baby!
She told me I did a great job keeping healthy and happy during the last months and I'm dealing great with the stress. My bloodpressure was as low as it should be with me!!!
I always had a very low bloodpressure and during my pregnancy it stayed nice and low. Only the last couple of months it raised a bit but this time it was 100 over 60 (I don't know if this means the same in English?)
The baby is totally ready, so am I :DWe now just have to wait… :D
It's too crazy, last days we sleep a lot to catch up but we just don't know what to do with this daily routine... (normally we don't have any routine in our lives)
We made a "programme" so we don't forget all the things we need to do during the vacation :D
And today.. this afternoon we have an appointment at the vet for Buana (we have to check his eyes again, the results can be used during one year and then you have to test again)
But we don't know what to do with the extra time... the dogs all want to sleep... so after our coffee... we go and paint someting outside hahahaWe are so happy we have a nice place with the ship and we can rest now, but we cannot get used to the fact we live on one place now...
Every time we go out to walk the dogs, we meet the same people and we're walking at the same place.. That's so weird for us! -
That is wonderful news! ((Hugs)) to you for a wonderful delivery of your new "bundle of joy"! Looking forward to your beautiful pictures of you and your pups and "new addition"…(and yes, the BP numbers are the same in English ;)) Take care of yourself and enjoy your rest!
Happy to hear everything in life is grand. So nice your getting to rest and even better news all is well with you and baby. Can hardly wait to see baby pictures and pictures of gang with the baby. Waiting to see new pictures of the tummy painted again. Do take care and stay in touch with all of us.
Rita Jean
? have a feeling that the baby is on her/ his way…..
and Kim hasnt been online since yesterday which confirms my feeling....
I dont dare to call her, maybe she is in hard labour right now!!
anyway I am thinking of her and send her my positive energy , she can use it ofcourse , even when she is not in labout at the moment...
oh well blurry story, I am just very exited :D - I can not believe the baby might be here..soon. I am sending good, fast labour vibes to all of you as well…let us know when you feel up to it..