I hope someone can give me advice on Buster's sleep patterns.
We have an acre fenced back yard. He chases birds quite a bit and gets plenty of exercise. We take him on walks. We play with him and he plays with our other dog.
My son allowed Buster to sleep in the bed with him for the first 18 months of his life. When we got Buster, I put him in a nice crate with a soft pad in our bedroom. The first night, he whimpered for an hour and a half before going to sleep. The second night, he whimpered for about 5 minutes, then slept all night.
Lately, he's been going to sleep around 9 or 10 p.m., but wakes up whimpering at 2, 3, or 4 a.m. Sometimes when I take him out in the middle of the night, he doesn't have to pee. He just stands around. I take him back in the house and he just plops down somewhere, happy as a clam.
I saw on one of the other forums something about D.A.P. Does this stuff work? I feel like a 27 pound creature has taken charge of my life. I need to sleep all night, and Buster was doing beautifully for a while, now we have this middle of the night waking, whimpering, etc.
Any thoughts or advice?