Dry skin and Sponge Baths
I'm particularly fond of Solid Gold Seameal Powder w/ Flaxseed. I add it to my dog's food. mix it right in. I get a large bottle at a local pet supply store. not sure what you can find in the grocery store. (I don't buy anything from there for my dog)
be careful though, don't just add oils/supplements all "willy nilly". it may cause upset in your dog. I'd add them slowly and use those meant for dogs - and if the dry skin is a chronic condition, switch to a better food permanently (which will probably clear it up).
Anybody know of any good doggy-shampoos that will make my basenji stop being so "flaky" hehe…?
We had a similar problem with one of ours. She'd start to nibble at her dry spots (mostly where she'd tuck her nose when sleeping). She started to obsess over the dry patches. We added fish oil to her food and started using a "leave-in" conditioner for dogs. We picked it up at the local pet store. It dries fairly quickly and left their coats soft but not greasy. At the time we had electric heat so we also installed a central humidifier and a space humidifier in their room. You could have grown ferns in their room after that!
The first time I had Sahara groomed for a treat at PetSmart, the groomer told me to put alittle olive oil in her food. I did this and the driesness went away, haven't seen it since. I only did it for about a month, like a teaspoon with each meal. Petsmart sells cloths for bathing your dog wihen you don't want to put them in the tub, I am thinking this might be better since B's like to lick themselves.