• I hope everyone can see the picture. Rally's pups are enjoying a lazy Saturday morning.


  • Aaawwwhh..
    They are growing so fast 😃

  • This morning the boys decided to start practicing those escaping skills. They haven't managed to escape yet but they are getting closer. Their eyes are not even open yet and already they are looking for mischief 🙂


  • at how many days/weeks old do they open eyes?

  • Look out, here they come.:D Do you litter train them? Our breeder had our last two litter trained, very handy and the transition to the outside wasn't hard.

  • Their eyes open between at about 2-3 weeks.

    I did not litterbox train my first litter. We are going to give it a try with this litter. Rally was litterbox trained and we have the litterbox in the room with the pups so once they are more mobile we will see if they will use it.

  • Oh I have to stop looking at this thread! I'm addicted! They are so adorable…I love their bellies, so round and cute! Thanks for sharing!

  • The pups are growing fast and should be opening their eyes in a few days. I thought I had better be sure to enjoy this quiet time with them before they reach that go, go, go stage.


  • Yes, I guess it'll be crazy when they do! Do they have that puppy smell? Oh boy do I love that puppy smell! I know…I'm crazy...

  • they sure are growing fast… wish sandie would have stayed a puppy longer..seems they are puppy one day and dog the next.

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