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Peeing peeing and peeing some more…

Basenji Training
  • @TuckerVA:

    Perhaps I should have been more clear with the balcony idea… As some might have read in another thread, I bought him a dog door for the sliding glass door (the insert panel type) and he spends a LOT of time on the balcony. And, we all know Basenji's love to look out the window and sometimes get restless when they can't (of course this has a 'contrary' also, some like to go eat a sofa when they can't go chase that squirrel...). Anyway, I'm in construction and was thinking of building him an enclosed and insulated doghouse for the balcony with a flap type door and plexi windows (I have access to all of this stuff REALLY cheap). Install a heating pad and you have doggie paradise. If he gets cold, he simply goes inside and takes a nap, if he wants to lie outside, he has the option. The day after he peed on my rug AND my duvet, I locked him out there since the weather was nice. My dog walker left me a note and said that he was as happy as he's ever been that day and, furthermore, when she brought him back in he went directly to the balcony.

    Honestly, I don't see the different between that and being locked up in a crate all day??? And, he wouldn't be out there on inclimate weather days, of course...

    Again, it's just a thought. Keep in mind he's 4 and has never been crate trained (and that I adopted him which is WHY he was never crate trained)..

    I think your balcony idea is really nice. Squiggy HATED his crate and we worked on that forever. I have a kitchen and sitting room that has hardwood floors, and he has a twin size bed to sleep on and he still has issuse with it, although, after a year he is getting the idea of it. I could not bare to part with my boy, but I also could not have him ruining my new carpet and new home (he was my housewarming gift to my self:) so we have learned to just manage it and get a routine. I dont know what would ever happen if I got married and had to move… I guess I would make sure the guy loved my dog (and 2 hairless cats) and that we had a "safe zone" to keep Squiggy when I am not home.
    I also went through 6 gates before I found ones that he could not climb over or jump and that I could.

  • Did you get Tucker through BRAT?
    Mine is a tri-color also, although he does not have the eyemask on like yours.

  • Yes, I did. I got hime from a family in MA that had a baby and was scared that Tucker would eat the child due to his aggressive tendancies…but that has been discussed here...

    I bet yours came with a complete tail, though... :) I'll post some pictures of him here and in the 'show off' forum later tonight...

  • Yep, cant hang a flag from squiggys tail. It is curled tight as can be.
    I am still waiting on getting my camera back from my sister, but I will post pics when I can.
    My dog came from an abusive home and is really skittish, however he is doing so much better, after a year. Poor guy didnt even have a bed, he had to sleep in an outside dungon-like basement on a step. The family also didnt care where he "went" so we have battled that, as you know, forever. But he is a good appreciative boy and I love him so much, he's my buddy!

  • Yeah, I dig Tucker also. It's just a learning process…for both of us. That's sad how Squiggy was treated. I loathe people who do that to animals.

    When I went searching for Tucker, the two things I was most adamant about were finding a pooch that was 'non-destructive' (I've just spent 1000's of dollars buying a new condo and furnishing it like I want it) and house trained. I think I was sort of duped with the house training thing assuming there is nothing physically wrong with Tucker (in that he pees often). However, he hasn't peed in the kitchen since I fenced him in which reveals that he CAN hold it, he just hasn't been. He's going to the vet in a couple weeks and I got some sticks to test his urine with. Nothing showing positive at this point...

  • Christy,

    Where did you find gates that worked? I have issues with Zahra climbing over all of ours!


  • They are extra tall gates I got off I liked that they have vertical rails not horozontal, so he cant get a toe in for a boost. I think they are 41 inches tall. and have a gate so you can walk through them.

    Found them

  • Yeah, I was a bit duped with squiggy also. Although I would never get rid of my buddy now. I just purchased my first home and know where you are coming from. Squiggy almost ruined my carpet. So I had it professionally cleaned and now the carpet looks new again (I didnt let it go to long) and Squiggy and I have worked out everything now.
    Does Tucker pee on the floor when you are home with him?
    Squigs doesn't.
    I know, it was hard not to lay into the girl who turned him over for his poor treatment. He was scrawny, jittery and dirty now he is still pretty lean but not as jumpy and his hair is shiney and smooth now. I am just glad this family turned him over to BRAT so that I could get him and spoil the heck out of him.

  • Christy/Jason-you guys are real heros to me! I absolutely detest animal cruelty. I wanted to adopt a BRAT dog but I couldn't get approved. Then I went to a breeder looking for a pup & turns out she had adults that she had been trying to place for over a year. So I took them in a heart beat! :)

    Jenn-I have the same exact gate that Christy has 41 inches metal & vertical bars works really well.

  • I never thought Tucker was abused or anything, I just think he was undersocialized and not exposed to many people. He probably got his way a lot based on how he reacts to discipline and being a brat when he doesn't get his way… He also, obviously, was lucky enough to have a stay at home mom for his previous 3.5 years which, I'm sure, lends to thinking he can pee whenever he wants.

    To answer Christy's question, he has only peed once when I was home. He had let me know he wanted to go out by scratching on my door, but I was in the middle of something and was finished in about 5 minutes. In that 5 minutes, he had gone into the other room and peed on the sofa. I blamed myself since he did 'tell' me. It didn't happen again, but at the same time, he initially tried to run all over me and scratched every couple of hours to go out. In fear of another sofa soil, I would take him out but soon came to realize that he was pulling a fast one on me when he went out and just sniffed around and didn't pee or pooh. That stopped after about a week of taking him out and pretty much sitting in one spot until he peed and pooped, then not taking him out for at least 4-5 hours unless he ate a lot. I had to show him he wasn't in charge... :)

  • one suggest is if you are feed him can dog food it seems to make the pee more and it contains water

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