Sounds good. We feed lamb ribs for chews (when in season) - soft enough but still good for the teeth. Any non-weight bearing bones are good. We get ours at a butcher shop, sometimes for free. Otherwise we find stuff in specialised (web)shops: camel hide, kangaroo, tendons, trachea, dried lung. There's a lot of stuff out there.
Baby Food?
I am thinking this is a crazy question, but why not?!?!? Would baby food mixed in with kibble be a good idea as an occassional treat? I noticed when reading the ingredients the other day that there are no additives whatsoever… just a thought. Any input on this?
At the veterinary clinic where I used to work, we would give meat baby foods to dogs that we were having a hard time coaxing into eating…
Most of the time they ate it right up!
I give it to dogs who don't eat…or to hide pills in.
But not as a regular thing.