Yesterday my lovely neighbor drove me 100 miles down to Phoenix to adopt a Basenji at the Phoenix Humane Society. She was suppose to be cured of kennel cough but she isn't over it. We had a very sleepless night. I know it is an allergic reaction so since no vet could see her until Monday, I am giving her Benadryl by the 5 mg morning and evening today. I hope I am not harming her, but she seems to be doing well and is now frisky, but can rest now and then, also. She came with a damaged back missing a lot of fur along the spine from neck to tail due to sunburn, I was told. I'm putting burn ointment on the bald spots and she seems much better and not trying to scratch, so that's coming along. She is not potty trained, so I appreciate all the advise. I did let her out after feeding, before bed, and let her out first thing this morning, but she didn't use the outdoor facilities; just dumped a load and peed before I could get to her to get her outside. The every 20 minutes and praising her when she does go outside should work; she is smart. Has anyone else dealt with severe sunburn on their Basenjis? Also she howls and whines a lot, but I think with purpose: She obviously has had a litter of pups, maybe two litters, even though she is only a year old. I remember that my mother always kept a pup out of every litter for the mother. She had seen sorrow in dogs whose entire litter were given away or sold. We had a lot of dogs! Any experience and advise you can share will be gratefully received. Our first Basenji trained herself, was fastitous, and was like a hound from hell, but faithful and the best watchdog in the world regardless of the size.
I am kansasgirl in Cottonwood, AZ