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Fight with a cat - Lenny injured?

Basenji Talk
  • Today I let Tayda and Lenny out into the yard and they immediately started chasing a cat that had decided to wander in. The cat tried to climb over the fence, but didn't make it and both Tayda and Lenny were going after it. The cat took off for another potential exit around a different corner, both dogs ran after it. I couldn't see around the corner and all I heard was Lenny yelp and run in the other direction. Tayda had the cat backed into the corner and was biting at her neck. My yelling at them obviously did nothing but finally the cat got away.

    Yikes, it was not pleasant…

    But now, Lenny is limping. He may have gotten bitten or clawed, there is a slight puncture on his left front arm-area, not bleeding or anything, but there is a little scab and he is definitely favoring that leg when he walks. I suspect it was what caused him to yelp and leave the scene for Tayda to attack on her own.

    Anyone have experience with fights with cats?

  • He's just bound to find the trouble, isn't he?? Injuries inflicted by cats can be particularly nasty. They get infected very easily, and are frequently much deeper than they appear. I would encourage you to take Lenny to the vet on Monday, where he will most likely be put on antibiotics. Better safe than sorry, as a puncture can become an abcess that can make a dog very sick.

    I'm sorry not to have better news for you, but hopefully, with proper care he'll be fine in no time.

  • Cat bites and scratches can be very nasty, lots of bacteria, and a high rate of infection. If you suspect that he has a puncture due to a bite or scratch, go see a vet and have them look at it. If it looks swollen or red in the area, a course of antibiotics may be in order.

  • Yes, a vet visit is called for…asap...even if you have to take off work.
    It can make a dog very, very ill.

  • sigh…. yeah, i will have to take him in tomorrow. I think I can see where there may be a bite mark, and he is definitely nursing it. It doesn't seem to be swollen, but still.

    Gosh... I would have thought that Tayda, who does nothing but sleep all day, would have been the one to get hurt, but she had the cat pinned down and was biting at its neck. And I would have thought Lenny would have been the one to do damage to the cat, but instead he's hurt!

  • Every time I read a thread like this, I have a whole new appreciation for how awesome my vet office is having hours 7 days a week so I don't have to pay an emergency visit when these things happen on a weekend.

    If the wound is open and not scabbed over yet, a vet can irrigate the wound to flush out the bacteria and make an abcess less likely. Usually the swelling and redness takes a few hours to develop as the bacteria start to reproduce.

  • I will take him to the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime, is there something I can buy at the store to flush his wound to try to get rid of bacteria? or some kind of ointment I can put on it?

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Gosh… I would have thought that Tayda, who does nothing but sleep all day, would have been the one to get hurt, but she had the cat pinned down and was biting at its neck. And I would have thought Lenny would have been the one to do damage to the cat, but instead he's hurt!

    Those bitches are the ones you really have to watch out for….good girl Tayda for protecting Lenny. I have always said even though males are bigger and seem like they would be more vicious, if put to the test I will bet on a bitch every time to be the tougher one. Sorry to hear that Lenny got hurt, good luck at the vet tomorrow.

    And give Tayda some love for being such a good protector to her bro. :)

  • If it is a puncture, it needs to be irrigated. The last time I took a dog in with a puncture the used betadine solution that they flushed through the puncture with a syringe with a funny looking tip to make sure they got it well washed. They then used some antibiotic ointment and gave oral antibiotics.

  • ok, i'm not waiting until tomorrow, i just made an appointment at the emergency vet for tonight at 8:30…. i'll report back...

    poor little guy.

  • Sending good healing thoughts Lenny's way.

    Please keep us updated.

  • Good for you! Best thing for your dog.
    Updates please!

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    I will take him to the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime, is there something I can buy at the store to flush his wound to try to get rid of bacteria? or some kind of ointment I can put on it?

    Our first reaction most times is to stop any bleeding. Instead, stem the bleeding if it is excessive, but bleeding from a small wound, especially a puncture helps to cleanse the wound. We use a damp, warm compress (washcloth) to keep the wound open and draining. In my home, we also shave the immediate area (if we think the wound is deep) and wash with liquid anti-bacterial hand wash to cleanse the site until we get to the vet.

    This has worked well for us. A topical never seems to work for me as the dog either licks it off or in my case, the companion dog licks it off. Still, the same thing is achieved, the wound is kept open and clean. The innate behavior of our dogs is something we all can learn from.

    I have had very few feral cat bites to my dogs (just 2), but squirrel bites are common. (Darwin is alive practicing 'selection' in my back yard:) Some day I'll post the not so good aspect of doggie doors–-dead squirrels in the house:eek: )

  • back from the vet. got an earlier appointment… wound cleansed, pain killers and antibiotic prescribed.

  • Glad to hear it! He'll be feeling fine in no time. No sense taking chances with something like a cat puncture.

    Lucky boy to have you worrying about him.

  • Good to hear he is home and hopefully is on the mend.

  • Wishing Lenny a quick heal up. :)

  • Good luck. I have, in addition to my two basenjis, seven cats. I've always had cats and they give each other (not the ones that live in my house together, but other neighborhood cats) puncture wounds. Gross as it sounds, I've learned to pick at their scabs so any infection can drain because of the likelihood of abcesses.

    And I agree - our female dogs are the tougher ones. My boy is a big baby - it's my Rosie you have to look out for in a fight.

  • Probably some water/soap (I know not very nice to a B) and some neosporin

  • I've also had a dead squirrel in the house, and the dogs had scratched up noses, but except for the surprise of it, all was well - no infections. The dogs - particularly my female - were very proud.

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