Great brush!
Well I wish I would have known about this brush last year. After spending over 40$ on useless types of brushes I finally found one that works amazingly, the zoom groom by Kong. It is the only thing that I found removes the pups loose hair. I
I think there are a couple of threads about the Zoom Groom…. but easy to miss things on here... and yes they work really well....
You brush your B?
I don't. Does everyone brush them?
I do… when blowing coat... when they aren't... I don't....
Exactly!!! And they work even better if the dog is wet! :D
Yes, they do!!! Warm water to loosen the hair… zoom groom to strip it off.... however, need to be careful that you don't clog your drain....
Shaye doesn't seem to shed at all, at least not yet if she's going to. But she loves getting "brushed" with the brush I use to get the cat's extra hair off her - just feels good I guess. When do they lose/shed/get extra hair? Does climate have anything to do with it?
I don't generally brush my Bs either except when at shows. I use a Zoom Groom (better with wet hair). For removing 'trousers' and neck hair I use a shedding blade (black handle with a loop of metal at one end). Use this very gently and sparingly as you can end with with bald patches. A few people round the shows here use them. I got mine from Mikki. Then wipe the Bs coat over with a baby wipe to remove any loose hair just before going in the ring.