Does Naming Affect Judging?
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 11:05 last edited by
So our little prince is at his first set of shows today. We were not origionally going to do it but, we met a handler by accident and she liked the way he looked so we said yes. Right now he is just barely 6m old. I was doing some research about show dogs and noticed they all have these long very interesting names his sire for instance Ch. Kanibaru Khybers Pride. We named him Mata Hauri (breeders name) Indiana Pollard, will that affect his experience in the ring do you think?
This may be a silly question but I am totally green when it comes to showing a dog. Currently I have told the handler he can only do this if he has a good time, and doesn't come back to me unhappy, mostly because we love him so much and would rather have him as the most beautiful house pet ever than an unhappy show dog (not sure if there are any). Thanks in advance
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 14:18 last edited by
As with anything, there is a chance the judge will let it affect them, but the name should really have nothing to do with it at all.
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 14:58 last edited by
Name has nothing to do with affecting ring experince.. Only people that have a catalog will even know what his registered name is…. and the judge doesn't see that before judging...
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 15:06 last edited by
I would like to expand on what Pat said above.
The purpoose of conformation showing is to judge each dog against the breed standard, to determine their worth as breeding stock (The reason you can't show a fixed dog). Nowhere in the breed standard do you have a requirement for name, as such it doesn't enter into how the dog measures up to the "Ideal" for their breed. I would not wory yourself one bit over what you have as a registered name, and as Pat stated the judges will not see the registered name prior to judging.
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 15:19 last edited by
The only identifier that the judge has for your dog is your armband number. They do not see the name. The people who see your dog's name are the people who look at the show results or if you advertise your dog on your website or in an ad in a magazine like The Basenji.
I don't see anything wrong with your dog's name and I think I saw it yesterday morning in an online show catalog on infodog and didn't think anything was wierd about it.
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 15:28 last edited by
I hope it doesn't.. Mirtillo's kennel name is 'Elegant Elephant' ;)
wrote on 5 Jul 2008, 16:24 last edited by
Awesome, thanks for all the info. This has definetly put my mind at ease
wrote on 6 Jul 2008, 10:07 last edited by
Nothing wrong with your dogs name and the CH in the other dog stands for Champion and when your dog earns enough points they will be one too. As stated earlier - as judges, we never see the name of the dogs we are judging until we are done judging for the weekend - then we get a catalog.
Have fun showing your dog.
wrote on 7 Jul 2008, 14:12 last edited by
A friend of mine told me a story about a Rottie doing obedience. The owner would tell the dog "You better sit", "You better lay down", "You better heel" etc…after a few instances the judge walked over to the ring steward and asked for the dogs name, specifying not the kennel name, just the rest of it. Apparently the dogs name was (whatever the kennel name) You Better. I don't know if it's true since I wasn't personally there to see it, but it was a pretty funny story.
wrote on 7 Jul 2008, 15:41 last edited by
I CAN tell you that SOMETIMES in SOME BREEDS - someone will use the dogs name if it's a well publicized call name just so the judge can here it. Most of us learn to tune that stuff out. I did have someone once use the entire name on the table "good dog kennel name first name rest of name" which was pretty stupid sounding and quite obvious - usually a LOOK is enough to stop it.
wrote on 7 Jul 2008, 17:32 last edited by
I CAN tell you that SOMETIMES in SOME BREEDS - someone will use the dogs name if it's a well publicized call name just so the judge can here it. Most of us learn to tune that stuff out. I did have someone once use the entire name on the table "good dog kennel name first name rest of name" which was pretty stupid sounding and quite obvious - usually a LOOK is enough to stop it.
Oh my how VERY gauche. :)