i did get some bitter apple…the thing works like a charm! I got her some toys as well and she does so much better now with knowing what to chew and what not to! its like night and day from 2-3 weeks ago....I rarely have to redirect her now...I tell you, these B's are smart!
BCONC Lure coursing, JC tests, Puppy Match
May 31, 2008 is the Basenji Club of Northern California's annual Puppy Match, along with a Basenji only Lure Trial, All Breed JC tests, General Club Membership meeting at Robertson Park in Livermore, California.
June 1, 2008 is the Basenji Club of Northern California's All Breed AKC JC Test and Lure Trial at the same location.
Come and join us, especailly on Saturday for a fun Basenji day… fun practices will be held...
Information can be found at http://www.norcalbasenjis.org/EVENTS.html