Heidi might be allergic to penicillin. It might be an idea to contact the breeder and find out about the medical history of Heidi's for-bearers. For a long time after I got Mister Two Dicks, he would throw up for what I though was no reason. I would give him dry food, he would throw up. I would give him canned food, he would throw up. I would give him beef bones, he would throw up. After much complaining to his breeder and others, it suddenly dawned on his breeder that Mister Two Dicks' grandfather was allergic to beef. Ever since, no beef, no throw ups. It could be that Heidi is allergic to something and it is hereditary. Just a thought.
Already missing my girls…
I am away from home for about a week and a half (fiance had to attend a convention for work and I'm along for for a little r&r) and I miss my girls terribly.:( I can't remember the last time I was able to type without Kit in my lap touching keys at random moments.
Yes it is sad when we have to leave our furbabies for awhile.
Haha, I know how that is. Medjai thinks my trackpad on my laptop tastes good, so he licks it and moves the mouse all the time. He also thinks he is a fly and can land wherever he wants to take a look at things, so he'll walk on the keyboard and sit on my lap resting his head on the mouse button.
I know it's tough. I just got back from two and a half weeks in Hawaii. The littlest B and I fell asleep ion the chair together when I got home Such a nice feeling. I missed them all so much. That's why I suggested a Basenji rental service in another thread…..
Lol! A basenji rental service would be great right about now.
poor you!! i have to go on holiday in a month or so and Kip has to go in kenels.. but he should be ok… he's a rescue dog!!
Kit is probably fine too
I probably need "professional" help, but I don't like to be away from mine even for an extra few hours, like working late, or going to some social function at night. I like them with me all the time! I've had other dogs through my life , but there's something about these….....:rolleyes:
We finally made it home this past Saturday. It was so good to see the girls and they were really excited to have us back as well. We have been spending much quality couch time to make up for our time apart!