Goofy kid
I think I've told you all that I have two kids with Type I Diabetes. Every night before I go to bed I have to check their blood sugars to make sure they have decent enough numbers for sleeping.
Well, last night,when I went into Ben's {he's 11 yrs old} room to do his 11 PM blood sugar check, he kind of startled when I turned on the light {usually he is oblivious}, and got a confused/frightened look on his face. He sat up very slowly, extended his pointer finger and then poke!! Got me right in the middle of my forehead. I laughed and asked what he was doing; he said,"I had to make sure you were real.":D
Of course, he'd also forgotten to get his insulin with his evening snack – a nice blood sugar healthy snack of graham crackers with frosting, of course -- so when I did check him he was at 473 and said he was feeling very thirsty {duh}. Lovely. Another night of no sleep {cuz we all know it's all about me}. :rolleyes:
Just thought I would let you know I have diabetes also,,,,juvenile,,,,since I was 11,,,,,,,well its 24 years later and still no health problems or hospital stays. Hopefully this will make you reassured that if they take care of themselves they can lead very healthy lives. I know my mom was so scared when I was diagnosed during my 5th grade year,,,,,,,,,only now that I am a mother can I understand why when our 6th grade class was going to go on a three day annual camping trip my parents suddenly had scheduled a trip to Disney!!!! lol,,,,,,,,only in my adulthood did I put two and two together!!!
Just thought I would let you know I have diabetes also,,,,juvenile,,,,since I was 11,,,,,,,well its 24 years later and still no health problems or hospital stays. Hopefully this will make you reassured that if they take care of themselves they can lead very healthy lives. I know my mom was so scared when I was diagnosed during my 5th grade year,,,,,,,,,only now that I am a mother can I understand why when our 6th grade class was going to go on a three day annual camping trip my parents suddenly had scheduled a trip to Disney!!!! lol,,,,,,,,only in my adulthood did I put two and two together!!!
Thanks for the reassurance, and congratulations on doing so well for so long! – and my sympathy to your mom for all Diabetes put HER through, LOL. My dd is currently 16 and I swear -- she sneaks and forgets so often I don't think I'll EVER be able to let her move out. Maybe she'll grow into her care, as you apparently have.
Thanks for the reassurance, and congratulations on doing so well for so long! – and my sympathy to your mom for all Diabetes put HER through, LOL. My dd is currently 16 and I swear -- she sneaks and forgets so often I don't think I'll EVER be able to let her move out. Maybe she'll grow into her care, as you apparently have.
One of my employee's is Type 1 and has been since she was about 12 or 13… and she is 40+ now... and takes wonderful care of herself... so they do "grow" into their care with age... (well most times).....
She will grow into her care,,,,,,,,I had several experiences with people who didnt take care of themselves and the consequenses that followed and decided very early on that I did not want that to happen to me!!! Eventually my career even was affected by my diabetes because I now teach nutrition to high schoolers and just yesterday when we were talking about carbs I explained diabetes to them by showing them how I have to test my blood glucose (they couldnt believe I do that 6 times a day!!! ) and shots multiple times a day. Interesting tidbit– one of the teachers at our middle school was telling me that she has a 6th grader who was having a terrible time with his diabetes because he had both type I and type II!!!! Im not sure how that is possible but I guess there have only been 5 other cases like it diagnosed.
She will grow into her care,,,,,,,,I had several experiences with people who didnt take care of themselves and the consequenses that followed and decided very early on that I did not want that to happen to me!!! Eventually my career even was affected by my diabetes because I now teach nutrition to high schoolers and just yesterday when we were talking about carbs I explained diabetes to them by showing them how I have to test my blood glucose (they couldnt believe I do that 6 times a day!!! ) and shots multiple times a day. Interesting tidbit– one of the teachers at our middle school was telling me that she has a 6th grader who was having a terrible time with his diabetes because he had both type I and type II!!!! Im not sure how that is possible but I guess there have only been 5 other cases like it diagnosed.
Hmm, I've never heard of that either, but maybe he has both the problem of not producing insulin {Type I} AND his body not properly using the insulin he puts in {Type II?}. Weird. And how sad for him.
I take it you do not pump? Neither of my kids do; they aren't interested and really neither am I. They achieve as good/better results w/their MDI than some of their friends do on pumps. I guess it's a matter of "six of one/half a dozen of the other".
nope,,,,,,,no pump for me,,,,,,,,,,,,what is MDI??
Shorthand for Multiple Daily Injections.
I'm on a forum for parents of children with Diabetes and that's what we call it.