Here's my neosporin trick. Quickly without a fuss put it where needed, then make a HUGE show out of putting a little neo somewhere else that is easy for him to lick - I like to use the top of a front foot. I say things like "OH my goodness, look at this foot!!!! We are going to have to put this stuff right here on this foot. Whatever you do DON'T lick you foot" etc. I drag this out (time wise) with as little neosporin as possible but go on about how much this foot needs the neo. So, when the dog is released, he'll go lick his foot and forget about the owie place. It's sort of a game. Basenji thinks he got one up on you and you think you got one up on him. (Yea, I'm easily amused.)
How old?
How old must they be when the test is taken?
I had Tiggy tested at 4 1/2 months with no problems
Then I will do it soon -
Don't send blood before the beginning of march, the lab is not doing anymore blood test right now. They are searching for the direct test and hopefully will find it by the end of february.
Blood can be sent but no tests will be run before March
Ok. Thanks again