wrote on 17 Aug 2007, 14:55 last edited by
Oo, I had skipped right over the Brindle. Very cute but I am biased since we just got a Brindle Puppy after a few years of having 2 red and white.
I will have to agree with whoever said your dogs give me a new appreciation for Black and White.
wrote on 26 Aug 2007, 18:45 last edited by
I have just realised that I have learnt something new from this thread, that you can get a brindle without having a brindle parent!! I always thought that you had to have a brindle parent to get a brindle like with the B/W's. Oh well something else learnt.
wrote on 28 Aug 2007, 15:11 last edited by
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:15 last edited by
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:18 last edited by
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:31 last edited by
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:40 last edited by
Awww they are all so adorable, so full of curiosity, Tiggy is a little prince
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:50 last edited by
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 16:55 last edited by
AWwwwwwwwww. They are soooo precious!!!
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 17:06 last edited by
As always, Beautiful dogs and pictures.
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 17:11 last edited by
soooooo cute!
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 17:12 last edited by
OMG I love the little line up pic!!!
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 17:14 last edited by
I have just realised that I have learnt something new from this thread, that you can get a brindle without having a brindle parent!! I always thought that you had to have a brindle parent to get a brindle like with the B/W's. Oh well something else learnt.
No, you DO have to have a brindle parent to have brindle puppies, but sometimes a parent might not LOOK brindle. In this case, I think one of the parents (Arti?) is a Black/Brindle…you just can't see the stripes because they are overmarked by black. Another instance when a dog might BE brindle by not show it is a could happen where you just couldn't see the stripes in the tan places on a trindle, the other stripes would be masked by black.
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 18:01 last edited by
Ah right. I thought I was losing the plot with the brindle parent thing!!
wrote on 29 Aug 2007, 22:30 last edited by
Oh! I am just dying to have a puppy! Gosh - they are just darling!
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 08:21 last edited by
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 10:42 last edited by
They grew up so much since the last pictures, but still so adorable. How can we resist :p
wrote on 6 Sept 2007, 14:03 last edited by