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Some info on vaccinations

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Please read correctly: I do not find a belief in science aggressive. What I do find is 1. that the way you promote your views is aggressive and that 2. there is a lot wrong with what is promoted as 'scientific' and evidence based. But again, we have been over this before.
    Then you claim to be more nuanced in your position, but you go overboard immediately on a subject you obviously have no experience with at all, in this case detox. There are many types of detox and I have been the beneficiary of various approaches as have been people close to me. I also witnessed from close up a case of two young brothers who were diagnosed with severe autism. Turned out they had a heavy case of leaky gut syndrome and with a diet AND a tailor made brain detox within months they turned into normal, healthy boys. And then science has proven that detox is rubbish? Oh my.

  • @kjdonkers

    What is "aggressive"? My opinion or my disgust for Becker? Can you, seriously, when I say something that upsets you, just say... how about rewording this? Truly I type super fast, brain obviously does not always engage and while you remembered we have had THIS issue, all I retained is that you don't like me and I need to stay neutral. Obviously I didn't remember neutral in all responses and let my emotional response to her take over. I'd rather save my spitting inclination for myself and engage in communication than make it upsetting for no reason. I am not willing not to debate/give research. But I can learn to not be "aggressive" about it. Is that a good enough compromise?

    As for detox, unless you can provide me with case histories proving that the kids were made will from that treatment, it's simply one more personal story. I have had people swear that drinking a veggie mix cured their cancer, or that using a well-known supplement hype cured their IBD, etc. Yet research for same, real research with real patients and real double blind, found the actual effect no more than placebos. So I am not doubting that someone can drink cat pee and cure something... Or more likely they drank it and they either didn't have the disorder or it was going away on it's on. But personal testimonials that fly in the face of much research are simply nothing I believe. Of course some things that there is only weak or no support of in research MAY work for some people. We are all amazingly different. But when so much research proves it is not possible, mostly it is placebo effect.

    But your kids who were dx with severe autism who had leaky gut... I am sorry their doctor wasn't aware of studies showing it is not uncommon. (while even leaky gut is not proven... it isn't UNPROVEN, so sure worth trying ) Just a few moments research and I found it. There is debate and they're a long way from agreeing it's real, much less knowing the cause and effect relationship, so this is one where I DON'T HAVE PROOF, but I suspect if you have toxins leaking, it is going to make you far sicker and mentally debilitated if bad enough. It's also another case that people poo-pooed leaky gut as not real, but chemical testing/bloodwork showed that there IS such a thing and doctors are beginning to learn. A change in diet could logically and scientifically be near magical in effect. The parents finding help for them before permanent damage occurred is wonderful... no snark intended, I really am glad you shared that. Having friends with autistic children and adult children, I need to relay the link. So while you think our communicating is a waste, you have helped ME learn something I can share with others. That's good, even if you dislike me. :)

    My colleague, pediatrician Sandy Newmark, M.D., who deals with leaky gut syndrome in children, tells me that it isn’t clear how many people have this disorder or exactly what problems can be attributed to it. Dr. Newmark says that it has been established that a significant percentage of children with autism have increased intestinal permeability, but it isn’t known whether this is a cause or an effect of food sensitivities and an underlying metabolic problem.<<

    Brain detox.. sorry.

    The amount of studies proving detox is a scam are overwhelming. You can choose to ignore them, but when there is massive research proving something does not work,... you are right, I am dismissive. My opinion nor yours makes things factual when science proves it doesn't work. Not that you'll care, but lots of links below. I'm pretty sure you know I think the diet and slowing letting the body get rid of toxins helps... the brain detox simply worthless.

  • I personally Love Dr Karen Becker and I believe she has sound Holistic views. Yes she offers products but most of the time her articles have nothing to do with what she sells. I believe Dogs are over vaccinated, that's why I am glad, Florida only requires a Rabies shot.

    Debradownsouth, as confirmed by private emails I got, when I battled with her, goes overboard on every topic, its her way or the highway......I had to stay away, as alot of people on this forum do, simple because of her comments and claims to be a expert in everything except knowing when to shut up

  • Debra - I answered your message. I will decline to respond to your last posting, it would be the same thing over and over again.

  • kjdonkers thanks for the message response. What you said was valuable and I appreciate the communication.

  • @katoman said in Some info on vaccinations:

    I personally Love Dr Karen Becker and I believe she has sound Holistic views. Yes she offers products but most of the time her articles have nothing to do with what she sells. I believe Dogs are over vaccinated, that's why I am glad, Florida only requires a Rabies shot.

    Debradownsouth, as confirmed by private emails I got, when I battled with her, goes overboard on every topic, its her way or the highway......I had to stay away, as alot of people on this forum do, simple because of her comments and claims to be a expert in everything except knowing when to shut up

    Oh katoman, I could post the emails I got about you and your disruptive, vile bullying crude abuse of others that got you kicked off their boards/forums. If someone doesn't come here because they cannot just ignore my posts if I bother them, then that is sad because even someone on here posting personal attacks, abuse, talking about his junk being cut off, whatever... I would never let you drive me off. Your sig line though.. lol yep, you are a waste of time.

  • Enough already - if you don't like a forum member please just don't reply

  • @kjdonkers Sounds to me like the two young brothers who were diagnosed with severe autism, were diagnosed by a "quack" of a Dr. It takes a good while to be able to diagnose Autism & be correct about it. Thank goodness the two brothers were finally diagnosed correctly & given the appropriate care!!

  • @katoman If as you say, "..I had to stay away, .." then why are you back? You're nothing more than a "stink stirrer" to say the least! I don't remember you posting anything that had a link to prove/disprove whatever it was you were rattling on about! You may have posted a link & I missed it, sorry if you did! And this is a forum, not a "battleground" or a boxing ring or an mma cage!! A forum is for input from others on certain & many subjects, whether or not it's what a certain person wants to hear or agree/disagree with. I don't always agree with what is said by DebraDownSouth but at least she posts links (almost all the time) that give me the chance to read on whatever subject is being discussed. Many times, I get into reading some of the links she's posted & find more links!! Sometimes I find my own links to read on certain subjects. But just because I don't like what someone is saying things I don't like on a certain subject, doesn't mean I have to do "battle" with them! It is a forum, where people make their comments on the subject at hand. There will be negative posts as well as positive posts. Your posts don't really seem to tie in to very many subjects so if you can't stand the heat ~ then get away from the fire.... for Pete's sake! You have your own FB page for FL. Basenji owners ... why not go there, start your own forums on your page! I don't live in FL. so I haven't been to your page & I will not go to it, not because you think I'm such a terrible person but because ~ I have no business trying to be on your FB page! So, how about a time out for a bit everyone? Personally, I love it when people post links in with what they say! And that doesn't mean posts just from DebraDownSouth, posts from everyone! Sometimes I read so long on so many links that when I finish on the computer, I can barely see anything on & off of the screen!! And not all of those links come from DebraDownSouth, albeit, she does have a fairly large collection of links! Some I agree with & some I don't. But that's why I love the forums ~ all the different people & their opinions ... plus the compassion they have about the subject! So HEY EVERYONE ~ LET'S HAVE A GOOD FORUM, with many people & their opinions! I know, katoman, many people & their opinions might tick you off by their "blunt" opinions but, if a person is blunt & to the point ... I've been told that, "It's much better than reading someone rattle on & on." like me!! I know I do it but that's just me! There have been times I've been blunt & to the point though. ( Hard to believe, isn't it?)

  • @Nancy-Berry If only they had been quacks. The boys were ill and showed serious behavorial issues from birth, so they had been under observation and treatment from birth (problem is: if you have a mental problem, your PHYSICAL health will never be in question - it is against regular medicine protocol, at least over here).
    As it turned out, both parents had Leaky Gut Syndrome (without knowing it), and their sons had it in a double dose, so to speak. The therapist treated the whole family, with good results. The mother told us that now she could sleep through the night, which had been impossible for over 6 years because the boys needed so much attention.

  • @kjdonkers May I ask "Where is over here?" Sounds like the Therapist is the one who saved those boys! I have no idea how old they are to this day but, are they still on the special diet & doing well? (I'm guessing they are!) Two very lucky kids they are! I'm glad that things have worked out for them & I hope you keep me updated on them from time to time! I'm sure you know this but for those who aren't familiar with Autistic people, they are not "sick in the head". They are actually smarter than most of the average people! They usually have some very high IQ's! I worked with one young man that could tell you what year any State became a State, even when the Roman Empire fell. What I thought was so awesome is, he could name every dinosaur by it's usual name & he could tell you the scientific name also ~ which is a very long name!! You could open the PDR to any page & have him read on a certain subject & he could explain exactly what he had just read, in terms that normal people could understand! If that's not smart, I don't know what smart is!!

  • @Nancy-Berry Over here is The Netherlands. Yes, certainly in some ways, autism is a gift. It's a great thing that company hire them more and more because of their special skills and talents. The last time I heard about the family, all were well...

  • @kjdonkers Thanks for answering so quickly! I'm glad & happy to hear the boys are doing well! It's great to hear that they got hired by a Company & you said it perfectly, ... "their special skills and talents". :)

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    @sinbaje: This "tender knot" is a localized reaction to the vaccine. It should go away on its own but can take a while; upwards of 8 weeks or more. Those of us in the vet field consider this "normal" but one has to wonder. I would certainly let your vet know for future references that he had a reaction to the vaccine as the next reaction (if he were to have one) could be more serious (ie hives, swelling, etc). Benadryl would no longer be effective. That said - you could ask your vet about pretreating with benadryl prior to injection to help minimize any possible future reactions. You could give orally an hour or two prior to exam. Talk to your doctor re: proper dosaging and exact timing. Best to just leave it alone and let his body deal with it. To add: Vaccines are given in different areas of the body. The most commonly known is that Rabies is given in the Right Rear. So that if a reaction such as a lump is formed due to the vaccine, the doctor will know which vaccine caused the reaction. It would be safe to give benadryl before each vaccine as to not take a chance but it should be known which vaccine will give a reaction to that animal.
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    @tanza: Yes, it is a learning process… just like our own health... and you are right Holly... it is a learning experience... we are all conditioned to believe what we are told by doctors.. and Vets... but in reality, we all need to research on our own... Case in point... my Kristii (to be 15 in December) is in renal failure.... her RBC was down to 18%.... while SubQ fluids have moderated her kidneys to a reasonable level... she was still very anemic... there is a hormone produced by the kidneys that is directly connected to RBC's. So her Vet recommended a hormone replacement.. however one possible side effect is that she can develop antibodies and if that happens it will be totally not effective. I asked a couple of people that I know that are Vet Techs in Specialty Clinics and ER hospitals... and received info about a different hormone that has much less of a chance to produce/develop antibodies... I gave that info to her Vet... she had not heard of it... but was very thankful for the info... and said, yes that would be a better choice... By the way, her RBC is up to 40% which is up to the excellent range and now only on SubQ fluids 2x's a week and doing really well.. she has gained almost 2 1/2 lbs... and eating well (home cooked food..ggg)... Sometimes I think some of you all should be the vets! You definitely own a great wealth of knowledge about the breed.