He's a nice looking dog but still can't see any Basenji there. As already said, if it's important to you get a DNA test done but when all is said and done and whatever the result he'll still be your dog and you'll love him just the same.
We got Killian from a breeder in Ohio–-Jim Edgerton. That's where he had gotten our previous male basenji. We took Logan and Jasmine to his place and looked at several 1 year olds and a puppies and Jasmine eliminated the others and we agreed with her pick.
Love the pictures!! Adorable poser…I've always consider paper products a staple in my B's diet! I have to keep all garbage cans either up where she can't reach or with a secure lid. It's gotten to the point that I forget my manners everywhere else I go and don't put my napkin on my lap!