The rules did change this time and made it more fair:
Under the rules of the 2012 Shelter+ Challenge:
? No group may win more than one Grand Prize in 2012. Winners of the Grand Prize are not eligible for state or regional grants during the same voting round, but are eligible for all other prizes. We congratulate Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc., our first Grand Prize winners of 2012!
? Regional prizes (State, Canadian, or International) may not be won during two consecutive voting rounds by a single organization; they are now limited to a maximum of two prizes during non-consecutive voting rounds per group per year.
? Weekly Winners are not eligible for Regional (State, Canadian, or International) awards during the same voting round. Weekly Winners are not excluded from Grand prizes and Special prizes.<<<
But I agree.
I think that they should limit Grand Prize to every OTHER year and state to once a year, not every other voting. It has become much like a steady supplemental income for a few groups. I think after so much money, the group should be eliminated completely for a while. As it is, many wonderful rescues have zero chance.