Need some Sluthing done…
Tanza, Ill check that and im also curious what you see. is my email addy. I dont mind showing my addy here.
Do you really have a good idea of what it costs when things go wrong? Even with a healthy bitch where you have taken excellent care to do everything right, things can go wrong. Rally's breach puppy in her second litter got stuck and required an emergency c-section, $1200, and we lost the puppy, though she had 3 other health pups.
Our singleton not only had to be delivered via c-section his mom rejected for 3 weeks and he needed to be hand raised. That meant feedings every 2 hours. Not so bad with two of us to share the work and only 1 puppy, it is a whole other story if it is just you by yourself and it is an entire litter.
You need to have a nice nest egg for emergency and a plan A, B, C, D, and E if you are planning a litter.
I have a good savings already set aside for any emergency…whether it be pet or myself. I am also self employed so I am home all the time :) So should I have to be around to care for a pup or mom or both I can be. My vet is always on call and I can call him any time of day as well as my sister who is right down the road from me. I appreciate all the info :)
If anyone manages to come across the name of my Nikita's suspected breeder let me know :) Though she's not to be bred I'd still like to speak with them if I can about her and maybe find out who her parents are.
I wish you luck in finding the breeder.
Saying that a full collar is not show quality sounds like the commercial breeders I would talk to at the dog auctions. For them a full collar supposedly brings more money and also brindles-those African dogs. The tris sell for less than other colors although black was rare at the auctions. Females sell for more than males and especially the ones that have larger litters. These kind of breeders are just plain crazy and after I would talk to them, I would just shake my head in amazement! Of course, no talk about health issues, only money made.
There were some breeders in East Texas but I do not know if they were still breeding in 2011. I would have the following health tests done-Fanconi DNA test, a thorough eye exam done by an opthalmologist-hopefully one who is experienced with Basenjis, a complete thyroid test, and a hip x-ray for hip dysplasia. I would also have the vet check for luxating patellas as there was a line in TX that had these.
I have had more rescues have eye problems and low thyroid than be Fanconi affected and these are/were not elderly dogs either. My rescues are almost always former breeding dogs for the pet stores or internet or their offspring.
Thank you Jennifer! I really hope I can. Id love to know more of her background. Backgrounds of this breed always fascinate me lol. Does kinda sound like a commercial breeder doesnt it? I love my girls markings. She's very beautiful :) I posted a few pics with this reply.
There is a person in East TX who is selling Basenji/Lab mix puppies on Craigslist. Mom is Lab so dad must be Basenji. The location is Whitehouse TX just South of Tyler TX. This is approximately 100 miles SE of Dallas. I do not know if they ever bred Basenjis though.
Here is the ad:
There is/was a breeder in Wichita Falls TX. Wichita Falls is approximately 140 miles NW of Dallas. I found an ad for a tri female older pup from late October 2011 that was for sale there.
Here is the ad:
Woh thats her!!!! Thats my girl!!!!!
Her name was Zari before I changed it to Nikita. That "Becky" sold her to this lady Patty Meeke here in the Lawton area and thats who I got her from. Thats my girl. Now to call Becky….Weird though cuz she told me she got her in Dallas.
Ugh not a working number. I was lied to obviously. Being told Nikita (Zari) was out of show stock…sold because she was mismarked etc...this ad says she belonged to an elderly couple.
Would anyone know if the breeder in Graham TX is still breeding Basenjis? I know he had a lot of tris at one time as there was a picture with a lot of them in an ex-pen if I remember correctly. He used to show them too. The kennel was called Singing Dogg and his last name was Mahler. Graham TX is appoximately 60 miles directly South of Wichita Falls and 120 miles NW of Dallas.
That is the one I was trying to remember, Jennifer…. he sold them based on markings... I remember that he went to one show that Brenda Cassell attended and she said the dogs were really poorly bred. He used to have a website, but seems it is gone now... Think that he must have stopped breeding and sold his stock.
I could not remember his name, only the city where he lived and I had to do a search. There are too many former breeders to keep track of! I remember that he was an artist. I wonder when he stopped breeding Bs.
I believe someone in that area was dumping dogs at a shelter a few years ago (it may have been longer) but I do not know if it was him or someone else. I think BRAT was able to rescue them.
I don't think I'd ever breed but I would at least like to know her heritage and such. …
then: I'd love to get into breeding but don't want to be classified as a back yard breeder myself. So I am going through all necessary steps to avoid that. I want to be responsible should I decide to breed. Both my dogs are cleared healthy from my vet and now Ill be doing the DNA test for Fanconi so I have record of it as well.
then: Very true. If I cant find her breeder Ill probably end up having her spayed. Is there any tests that can be done for any other issues she could have? I know Basenji's can have glaucoma issues as well as hip problems too.
Going to have to step out of this one after I say my piece, because it is obvious you got this bitch HOPING to breed. Instead of doing it RIGHT, finding a quality show breeder, waiting for a quality responsibly bred bitch, you bought a pig in a poke hoping you could get enough info to pretend you are not backyard breeding. You can't. Find the breeder, don't find the breeder– spay her now. The likelihood that she is well bred are close to zero and even if you found the breeder, even if she/he gave you papers, why would you breed a dog from someone like that? Most likely the bitch was on a limited registration or simply from nonregistered animals. But your intent is becoming clear and it makes me very sad.
You don't think you would ever breed, or breed HER? If you are interested in getting a mentor, learning genetics/lines/breeding, great. If for one millisecond you considered breeding this bitch, I am a bit shocked. That you even consider your male to be helping the breed-- a dog with no titles, sold to you obviously without a neuter contract or requirements to show before breeding, assuming because you have his pedigree that to YOU his line is known... well head shaking here for sure.
Reading names is meaningless. DO YOU HAVE ANY CONCEPT about the health issues, progeny produced, genetics or ANYTHING on every single dog in that pedigree for at least 5 generations back? If not, you are not ready to breed. Do you understand basenji genetics in particular and dog genetics in general? Nope. Not ready. I don't care if you have $100,000 set aside for emergencies and raising a litter, it does not make YOU a responsible breeder and it does not make the litter worthy of having been produced. SPAY/NEUTER your PETS. Get a mentor, learn to show, learn genetics, learn Basenji lines, and then and only then, look for a bitch that has POTENTIAL (or be prepared to pay a lot for one who has proven it and a breeder willing to part with or share). Right now, you could not be doing it much more backwards if you were trying to write a guide book for how to do it wrong.