Patty nailed it… when you have an issue, you have to go back as if a puppy and start anew, which means you leash her to you at all times, say NO if she starts to go, take her out, praise and treat. The good news is unlike a puppy, it will go faster. But making really sure the room has been cleaned of odors using some enzymatic sprays/cleaners is a must.
Agility Course on Basenji University
Sorry if this has been posted before but I just noticed a new BU Agility course on the BCOA website authored by forum member, agilebasenji! Nice job! I love the videos
Hey, excellent! I just checked to see if it was up a few days ago and it wasn't, so this is breaking news. I hope everyone enjoys and learns from it. It's geared for people who have never done agility before, so do feel like it will be over you head or too indepth.