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Lilu is here!!!

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  • This puppy is adorable but…..I don't see any Basenji in it?

  • You may be able to see a bit in this picture, haven't taken that many as she doesn't sit still for long :)

  • Did the shelter know who the parents were? or at least the dam?

    That may give some idea on how big she may get.

  • Lilu's mummy is in the background but they rescued her when she was pregnant so no idea who the father is

  • That would be a pretty good indicator the pup is part Basenji!:D

  • What a great picture of the momma and all the pups.
    Being that I now have a Portuguese Podengo she almost looks more like one of those, she looks tall, and her tail has the bend yet no curl.

  • What a cutie!

  • What a great picture of the momma and all the pups.
    Being that I now have a Portuguese Podengo she almost looks more like one of those, she looks tall, and her tail has the bend yet no curl.

    Or maybe part Ibizan Hound?

  • yes, ibizan hound is very likely too, although she doesn't seem tall enough for neither (at least not Podengo Grande, like Moses is )..maybe a mix of sorts.

  • Why are you bustin' this person's chops? Momma looks like a B to me and without meeting her in person, who knows? Pup is cute and this is a great forum for info for any dog owner.

  • If you are refering to me, I sure was not trying nor meaning to bust anybodies chops. I think Lilu is adorable and her moma is too. I was merely trying to give some ideas as to what she might be…

  • Sorry, B-mamma…it was a combination of everyone. I keep looking at the mommy dog. If she's not full blooded B whose tail straightens when she wags it, I'd be willing to bet she has a B very close in her family tree. It just seemed like everyone was trying to say this pup doesn't belong with us.
    I guess my thinking is the more, the merrier and I love watching puppies grow up. I don't want the loving, proud owner of this little baby girl to think she's not welcome here.

  • She is very welcome here, IMO, I think she has B in there somewhere..
    We have a lot of basenji mixes on here and they are just as welcome as I am..not saying I am more welcome then anybody else..I got my dog at the wrong place (BYB), he is of an odd, yet beautiful coloring( darker then norm brindle) yet I am here..and I love it because I have learned so much the five or so months I have been here..and yes I agree, the more the merrier..

  • Glad to hear that I am welcome…..

  • You and Lilu are welcome here no matter what breed(s) Lilu is. IMO, her mom doesn't look like a basenji mix but she may have some sighthound in her. Most of the advice you are going to get here is good advice no matter what breed you have. This group is not exclusive to basenji owners, it is just the love of the breed that is a common thread for us.

  • Good to know. Thanks.

  • @lvoss:

    You and Lilu are welcome here no matter what breed(s) Lilu is. IMO, her mom doesn't look like a basenji mix but she may have some sighthound in her. Most of the advice you are going to get here is good advice no matter what breed you have. This group is not exclusive to basenji owners, it is just the love of the breed that is a common thread for us.

    Yep, it's great to see them all.

  • I think Lilu is gorgeous and can't wait to see her growing-up pictures.

    Otis has unique coloring and that's part of what makes him so handsome. He's very striking.

  • Thank you, for a second I felt a little pushed away so to speak, but everything is good. I can't wait to see how she grows and progresses. Already she is going potty outside and she knows sit and down so far. The first few nights were hard for me because i felt horrible for leaving her in a cage at night but she got used to the idea that her cage is her bed and that is where she goes when we all go to bed. She is very energetic but seems to get tired after about 2 hours of play, then she sleeps for another 2 hours and the cycle continues. but just like my boyfriend and I, she sleeps late into the morning which is good :) Love her to pieces!

  • She'll come to think of her crate as "her room"…her own little safe spot. If you think she has energy now, wait til she's a teenager! :D

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