• I've been trying to figure out why Kananga has been so calm lately. He hasn't chewed on furniture for at least a few weeks now. Usually something will trigger him to do some minor chewing every handful of days. He's also hanging out in his crate a lot while I'm gone. He doesn't greet me at the door when I get home. He waits for me to come to him.

    Well I realized that I started putting drops in his water probably a month or so back. I'm thinking it simply took a few weeks to take effect, but he's definitely more relaxed. I decided to ditch the DAP diffuser because it wasn't consistently effective. Probably because the air in my condo is exchanged quite often.

    Anyways, curious if anyone else has tried these out. I'm using the Azmira Calm & Relax extract.



    The dosage says one drop per 5lbs, 3-4x a day. So I've been putting about 10-12 drops in his water each day (I refill his water daily) thinking he'll get a proper dosage throughout the day, nothing heavy. I'm wondering if this is why his behavior has changed.

  • This sounds like a great product - I'll have to try it.

  • Houston

    Thanks for the idea. I like it, sounds like that has worked wonders for Kananga, I am too having to try it, at least for my new foster..

  • Otis may need it after the new foster leaves just to get back to normal life. LOL..

    Rita Jean

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Thanks for the idea. I like it, sounds like that has worked wonders for Kananga, I am too having to try it, at least for my new foster..

    Yea, I'm not 100% certain his change in behavior was in result of these drops, but there appears to be a strong correlation.

    I'm just happy he is more relaxed now. 😃

  • Hmmm, I wonder if can get something similar in UK? I am willing to try anything…

  • @caz:

    Hmmm, I wonder if can get something similar in UK? I am willing to try anything…


    The product I use is distributed in Europe, so I'd imagine you easily could. 🙂


    2nd one down on the list, "Calm & Relax". So far it must be working because he's be considerably less anxious in the last month or so.

  • Ah, thank you Kananga 🙂

  • Still seems to be working. I'm rather surprised it has been this effective. One bottle ran me, I think, around $13-14. It's still more than half full and I've been using it daily for a few months now. I usually put 10-12 drops in his water each day or each time it's filled.

    Well worth the $ (originally thought this was going to add up over time).

    I can honestly say he's greatly improved. Relaxed more often, still has plenty of energy to play, is much more patient when it's time to go outside (he'll actually sit for me so I can put on his leash), etc. No furniture chewing, stools are now consistently firm, and his coat is actually in really great shape.

    He used to have soft stools and a flaky coat at times. I've never seen him with such great results like this, so I highly recommend this to anyone who has an overly anxious B. I'm highly satisfied with the outcome. I didn't change foods or anything so I know this is the source of change.

  • What is in it? Any alcohol?

  • @tanza:

    What is in it? Any alcohol?

    Fresh Scullcap Herb, Fresh St. Johnswort Flower buds, and Fresh Calendula Flowers. Fresh Chamomile Flowers, Fresh California Poppy, Fresh Wild Oats, and Fresh Valerian Root. (from their website)

    I think there might be a trace of grain alcohol, but it doesn't seem strong enough to do much harm. A dozen drops in a few cups of water get's fairly diluted anyways and the drops are not anywhere near pure alcohol to begin with.

    I haven't noticed any side effects and he's been on this stuff for over a few months now.

  • @tanza:

    What is in it? Any alcohol?

    There is grain alcohol in it.

  • Most extracts would have some level of alcohol in it. Although it would seem like if it is only a few drops in a large amount of water, then it would be pretty dilute even if it was concentrated in the bottle. Although I personally don't how sensitive dogs are to alcohol.

  • Houston

    Vicki, your vet sounds like an amazing human…

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Vicki, your vet sounds like an amazing human…


    Any vet that works with holistic remedies gets an A+ in my book.

    It truly is amazing what kind of problems can be solved by natural ingredients.

  • @Vicki:

    I agree. Here is info about my vet. http://www.thealternativevet.com/ Read "Services" section - the muscle treatment is listed.
    Her husband is a Holistic Practitioner and a Chiropractor.

    Looks like a great vet. They do quite a bit over there, nice to have that kind of resource.

    I greatly enjoy the vet that I bring Kananga to these days. She doesn't specialize in holistic remedies, but she supports them. However, I did find a holistic vet nearby:


    I suppose I will keep them in mind if I ever need specialized treatments for my brindle boy.

  • This would be a better choice since it is Alcohol Free

    Rescue Remedy Kids - Alcohol Free

    Bach Kids Rescue Remedy an alcohol-free formula in a kid-safe plastic bottle and dropper created to help children during times of stress and anxiety. Safe, gentle, non-drowsy formula.
    Directions: 4 drops may be taken directly by bottle or added to any beverage. Take drops a minimum of 4 times per day. Do not use if tamper-evident seal is broken.
    Active Ingredients: 5x dilution of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba HPUS, Impatiens glandulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.
    Inactive Ingredients: 80% Glycerine, 20% water

  • @tanza:

    This would be a better choice since it is Alcohol Free

    Rescue Remedy Kids - Alcohol Free

    Bach Kids Rescue Remedy an alcohol-free formula in a kid-safe plastic bottle and dropper created to help children during times of stress and anxiety. Safe, gentle, non-drowsy formula.
    Directions: 4 drops may be taken directly by bottle or added to any beverage. Take drops a minimum of 4 times per day. Do not use if tamper-evident seal is broken.
    Active Ingredients: 5x dilution of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba HPUS, Impatiens glandulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.
    Inactive Ingredients: 80% Glycerine, 20% water

    And actually Bach's also makes a Rescue Remedy for Pets that is alcohol free…it is kind of strange because they make one with alcohol and one without so you have to read the packaging carefully.

  • @renaultf1:

    And actually Bach's also makes a Rescue Remedy for Pets that is alcohol free…it is kind of strange because they make one with alcohol and one without so you have to read the packaging carefully.

    Good to know, I didn't look that far on their list, but figured that is OK for children, OK for pets… and I agree, you do have to read packages...for sure

  • @tanza:

    figured that is OK for children, OK for pets…

    As I'm sure you already know, (you've been in dogs a long time) this isn't always true. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) comes immediately to mind. Dosage for dogs is a lot more exact because of the liver toxicity that can be caused.

    We have to be careful with these statements. While it is up somewhere that the opinions on these threads are not actual medical treatment, a lot of novices look to more experienced folks for advice.

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