Litter planned for Fall 09 (I hope)
wrote on 27 Mar 2009, 04:34 last edited by
Does Scott live in Florida now or is Wylie still living with Peg Grundman in Florida?
Whylie has not lived with Peg for many years now. He was returned to Scott as per the contract.
And yes, I love b/w. They are so elegant. Not that the other colours don't have their 'things' either. I'm just partial to b/w
wrote on 1 Oct 2009, 20:37 last edited by
One breeding has taken place. I will try again tomorrow. We flew Wylie up and he will fly back down on Sat. Also did a semen smear. There are lots of little swimmers and hardly any rejects that we could find. So it should be successful if Damisi has eggs. All she's done is scream at poor little Wylie! Scott did try a semen test, but no luck as there were no bitches around in season at that time. With any luck, he will try to draw a few straws from the old guy. He's a beautiful boy with a great temperment.
wrote on 1 Oct 2009, 20:39 last edited by
Oops both Wylie and Damisi are Fanconi clear. Since we have very few good vets up here in looking at basenji eyes, her eyes will be done(hopefully) in November.
wrote on 3 Oct 2009, 12:07 last edited by
Second breeding has taken place. We will try once more before I ship Wylie back home tomorrow morning at 430am. Ugh!
wrote on 3 Oct 2009, 12:50 last edited by
Good luck, Arlene :) I have always really liked Wylie (and Scott)
wrote on 3 Oct 2009, 21:35 last edited by
Thanks Andrea. Scott has been really good about the whole thing. We had a few errors with flying Wylie up, but Scott was a real trooper about it. We had a third breeding today. So first Tie was 23 min, second was 14 and third was 11.
wrote on 11 Oct 2009, 12:04 last edited by
He is pretty and so is your girl. Keeping my fingers crossed for a great litter, lost of B/W pups..
wrote on 11 Oct 2009, 12:55 last edited by
He looks good! Good luck :)
wrote on 12 Oct 2009, 16:14 last edited by
He looks fabulous! I liked him when I saw him as a puppy and watched him being shown as an adult. He's a fine boy and I hope all goes well for you.
wrote on 12 Oct 2009, 16:52 last edited by
Good luck handsome boy.
Rita Jean
wrote on 12 Oct 2009, 17:04 last edited by
Thank you everyone. I will keep you updated.
wrote on 12 Oct 2009, 21:13 last edited by
Is he 12 (almost) on this pics??
wrote on 12 Oct 2009, 21:53 last edited by
Yes, that was taken when I took him back to the airport on Oct 04 just passed.
wrote on 13 Oct 2009, 07:39 last edited by
Yes, that was taken when I took him back to the airport on Oct 04 just passed.
He looks great, especially his color coat is amazing :eek::D.
wrote on 13 Oct 2009, 18:06 last edited by
Yes, he has no grey whatsoever that I saw on him.
wrote on 13 Oct 2009, 21:06 last edited by
When they have that much white on their face the grey sometimes just blends into the white.
wrote on 13 Oct 2009, 22:07 last edited by
First time reading this thread, I must have missed it at the onset. Congratulations on the successful (hopefully) breeding. He looks pretty pleased with himself in the pics:) and a lot less 'fluffy'.
I hope you don't mind a couple of questions. Why does the AKC require a semen count for older dogs and specifically those over 12. Is there something research wise that indicates that our breed or other hound breeds have less active seminal fluid after 11 years of age?
Just one other, I saw at Sally's site that there was only one sib that produced a 2 pup litter, and in the next generation there was only perhaps 3. I may have missed a few :o but is this what is typically considered a vanishing 'tail line' or am I way off base here??
Again, congratulations and best wishes on a successful breeding. Love the pups!! Maybe someday I'll have another:)
wrote on 13 Oct 2009, 22:46 last edited by
I am not sure what you mean by "vanishing tail line" with regards to Wiley. He is a Wau tail line which is one of two most prevalent male tails in the breed.
wrote on 20 Oct 2009, 10:45 last edited by
When they have that much white on their face the grey sometimes just blends into the white.
You're right Lisa, sometimes I am just so DUH:o
I have a question for the long time breeders as I haven't come across this problem before with any breed. Damisi has been bred and is now just MISERABLE. She has taken to growling at everything if I'm not here and nipped two people yesterday when she was excited.(Someone came in that she has seen many, many times and she nipped them when the person was petting them all, and when my daughter tried to move her back from the baby gate, she nipped her on the leg.) She will have to be crated when I'm not here, but this has been getting worse instead of better. Any suggestions? Anyone? I hope this goes away, but I'm more concerned about when she has the puppies.
She has also gotten aggressive with Shadow. She used to be the dog that I would have said would never do anything to anyone, but definitely not now.