Martingale Collars
While I am waiting for my mom to email me, I did a web search now that I got Debbey's last name from my mom and turned up this website for her with pictures of her collars and the beads that she makes for the dogs.
Ivoss, thanks for that info, I like her collars, don't know if my hubby will go for them though, they are very decorative..whicha is a good thing..for me.
I'm glad you told me about the quality and also that the beads are an option. I will have hubby look at them, and telling him to have an open
Nemo, That is the second or third time I have heard of Nick Russell and his collars. Does he have a website, or can you only purchase his goods at shows. I am very curious in all these different collars..
Hi there!
I ,or better Mody has got a martingale from this e-shop:
and it is perfect! -
Nick Russell used to have a website, but it was on AOL and they have gotten rid of their site hosting so it looks like he hasn't made a new one yet. You can contact him by email though, I'm sure he's still doing his collars. He has a yahoo address now. He made a ton of them for prizes at the nationals and he also had a big box he was selling from. They are like a wide decorative nylon but he calls them a safety choke, it's a limited slip like a martingale only it's a one piece collar. It's like a nylon version of a choke chain only it can tighten just a little bit and then stops so they don't go too tight. Lovely collars and well made. Roxie won one so now all mine have a Nick collar. I've been meaning to get her one. :) They are very reasonably priced too. Nick has Basenjis so he knows all about making a pretty but functional collar. lol
If you would like Nick's email, you can look up my email via my website and contact me, I'd be happy to send you his contact info. Also if you'd like sample pics I can put some up.
Kelli, thanks for your info, I will send you a mail shortly..
Nemo, That is the second or third time I have heard of Nick Russell and his collars. Does he have a website, or can you only purchase his goods at shows. I am very curious in all these different collars..
Oops, well Kelli is a better resource for you anyway, I wouldn't know how to contact him. BTW, Zoni is wearing one of his limited-slip collars in her "family photo" thread. It's a pink/white gingham…very girly. (It's amazing how many girly collars I'm buying now. :rolleyes:) Personally, I like both martingales and limited-slip, but I'm using limited slip now particularly when boarding them. I had a bad experience boarding Nemo where they left his martingale on when he is was kenneled and I presume his jaw got caught in the loop of the collar and he had to chew it off. (It was in pieces and he ate a 1x2" section of it) I wasn't happy to say the least (and their policy is to take all collars off when in the kennel!)
Well I have searched high and low, googled my way around the world…and I found what I have been searching for...a website that sells tapered martingale collars, also known as lurchers..and they are beautiful, as if the ones we have already seen on aren't, right.