Tricolor x brindle ??
thanks again :)
that the recessice tri gen can hide for generations is known to be, I know of bri x bri and bri x clear red/white matings that were supposed to come out of clear red/white and brindle lines for severall generation produced tricolors and trindles.Look on Sally's database, we were asked too for the same bitch with Buana as stud (well, I think it's the same brindle bitch)
I found the pedigree on Sally's database, maybe you know a little bit more.. -
There is a lab in the US that can do a DNA test and see whether or not a dog carries the tri gene. I'm not sure how accessible this test is for foreign dogs, but I think it's around $75 here to get a dog's color tested just for that part.
So if a breeder is really that worried about it, they could look into testing. Otherwise, then just go with the best breeding choice. Color is of such little imporance anyways to the function of the breed.
In the US, we were told by AKC that Trindle is an accepted color because they are black, tan, and white. Our standard does not describe what pattern these colors are supposed to be in so as long as there is clear demarcation between the black and tan on the dogs then in AKC's opinion they are well described by our standard.
Here is a website with a picture of a trindle where you can see his stripes. Some will be more heavily striped than others just like with brindles.
I found a different pic. Shows the coloring pretty well..
Here is a website with a picture of a trindle where you can see his stripes. Some will be more heavily striped than others just like with brindles.
The ones I've actually seen in person, on the face, their red looks more brown and muted because of the brindling. The one in this pic still looks red and the markings seem clearer that what I've seen in person.
It really depends on the brindling. I have seen several that look like Tazi, I have also seen some that look like the one in picture Petra posted and ones that are in between. I have also seen a couple where if you can't find the single stripe that they have in the tan you would never know they were trindles.
I like the pic of Tazi because there is clear demarcation between the black of his stripes and his tan which is what the standard describes.
I can't make up my mind if I "like" the coloring or looks somewhat muddled..but I haven't seen one in real life..maybe there is a difference..
I like the pic of Tazi because there is clear demarcation between the black of his stripes and his tan which is what the standard describes.
I completely agree - the ones I have seen in person I haven't really cared for. Tazi looks really nice.