Paco sounds like a well mannered boy 🙂
Malaika doesn't ask, she just dives in and when Reuben snaps and chases she just comes bouncing right back for more. I can see we will have to work realy hard with her.
Coincidentaly my parents have just been with Reuben (Papillon) and there was a bit of improvement although she's still to rough.
We found a puppy!
A few months back i posted Puppyless in Texas. Well we brought our baby home today so I wanted to send pics. Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope they come through ok.
Sarah in Terrell Texas
Oh no.. here it comes again… Idon'twantapuppyIdon'twantapuppyIdontwantapuppy....if I say it often enough, maybe it'll be true.
Nice looking pup. Congrats