You know my daughter got bit in the face by one of my basenjis - and the basenji lived - Now here was the scenario - 3 kids (old enough to get on the bus in the AM without adult supervision) They started to argue on who would crate the dogs and the argument got so nasty that my daughter said - oh fine I'll do it - walked over to the couch - scooped up a sleeping dog and got a bite.
The dog had never given any indication that there was a problem kids had tussled with him before - was fine with kids and my kids were normally fine with him - except this time. It was clearly my kids fault and as adults our fault too - we could have crated before we went to work but wanted to give the dogs an extra 30 min of out time - am I happy that the dog bit her - nope - did he have reason to - well I don't know but if I was scooped up in the air from a sound sleep no telling what I would do. I will say that I did watch that dog carefully to see if a pattern emerged.
There is some instruction that even small toddlers can get about space - so don't forget to provide that as well when you are doing some training. You can teach - 'shh doggies sleeping - walk away". Obviously won't prevent stuff when the kids stupid chip kicks in - and it will - but it should help a lot.
As the child gets older - you are gong to need to make sure your dog undersand that all 2 legged critters are above him in the food chain.
note - 3 months later the dog got out the front door and got hit by a car but I dont think that he was the problem in this specific incident.