Problems in her crate at night..
yeah.. i was a little hesitant about putting her in a different room lvoss. i like knowing shes in here safe.. also i looked at the website and the dog ones are sold out and wont be in stock for awhile..
I recommended the Snuggle Puppies to a co-worker (my Project Manager/Customer actually) with a new puppy, they were sold out so he ended up buying the kitty. When the Snuggle Kitty arrived they finally got their new puppy to sleep through the night :)
Kind of wondering if this good advice helped me get a better raise?! LOL! Just kidding! :D
well everyone.. im sure your anxious to know how my night went last night :p ;)
we just covered her crate with towels to see if that would work
she slept till 4, and then started whining..
after she went back to sleep she slept till almost 730!!! :D(keep in mind.. i havent slept past 6 since we've got her..)
sooo we might just try that again tonight.. if she doesnt sleep through the night we'll move her next to rocky..
well everyone.. im sure your anxious to know how my night went last night :p ;)
we just covered her crate with towels to see if that would work
she slept till 4, and then started whining..
after she went back to sleep she slept till almost 730!!! :D(keep in mind.. i havent slept past 6 since we've got her..)
sooo we might just try that again tonight.. if she doesnt sleep through the night we'll move her next to rocky..
That is great, but I do find that it is a comfort for them to be next to another dog… if they are not going to be bed pups....
Dallas has been whining at night as well. We move his crate into the bedroom right next to our bed so he can see us but he still whines. The first night was really bad because he would start whining every hour or so.
Last night he whined for about 5 minutes when I first put him in his crate (around 12:30 AM) but then fell asleep. He woke up around 6 AM (which is when I took him out tp potty) & put him back in the crate immediately. Again he whined for perhaps 5 minutes but I would just say "shhh" & he would throw his body down onto his blanket & make a "humph!" sound. Then he fell back asleep…only to whine when daddy got up for work at 8 AM.
He hasn't been so bad but perhaps I will try to throw a blanket over his crate tonight to see if he doesn't whine as long.
Covering that crate usually really helps… and I think you did the correct thing by bringing the crate in the bedroom next to you.. he knows you are there and really to go from 12:30 to 6am is great.. IMO... and even to go back to sleep is amazing, mine were always ready to play at that point... Of course in the mornings all mine would come to bed for a bit and cuddle.. that was their reward for sleeping all night in the crate... but of course I always had more then one.. so when they went in the crate they all went in their crates.. so it wasn't like they were really alone.... and a 5min whine is nothing.. again IMO... Do you have a big old "crate buddy" for him? Something for him to snuggle with? Like I said I would go and get the biggest stuffed toy I could find to stuff in the crate with them...
Do you have a big old "crate buddy" for him? Something for him to snuggle with? Like I said I would go and get the biggest stuffed toy I could find to stuff in the crate with them…
I actually just checked out the nuggle puppies website but they are all sold out until May…including the kitties :( I guess I could find a giant stuffed animal for him to snuggle with. He won't rip to to shreds?
Yea I thought he did well last night with only 5 min. of whining & I like that saying "shhh" quites him down usually...although only for a min before he's whining again. Haha. I'd imagine that as time goes on he will take less "shhh"ing to finally give up & go to sleep!
I actually just checked out the nuggle puppies website but they are all sold out until May…including the kitties :( I guess I could find a giant stuffed animal for him to snuggle with. He won't rip to to shreds?
Yea I thought he did well last night with only 5 min. of whining & I like that saying "shhh" quites him down usually...although only for a min before he's whining again. Haha. I'd imagine that as time goes on he will take less "shhh"ing to finally give up & go to sleep!
I have never had a pup shred their "crate buddy"… but they only have it in the crate at bedtime... And I have done this will all my pups and all the pups that I have placed from my litters... it it amazing that they seem to understand this is night time bud for them... don't ask me why... of course there is always going to be on in the crowd that it doesn't work for....
i left her cage door open.. and she just went in there and curled up in her bed all by herself! i guess shes starting to like the privacy :)
Hey, there you go…:D ... and yes, their crate becomes a "safe" place for "most" of them... mind you I did say most...:eek:
How do I stop crate screaming during the day?!? Like today I wanted to shower so I put him in his crate & gave him a toy & even a nylabone but I could hear him "screaming" while showering (with the bedroom & bathroom doors shut!!!).
If he is locked in his crate while he can see me he whines after about 2 mins & will whine right off the bat if he can't see me…
I very rarely ever put mine in crates when I was home… so can't help you out there... and if I did, I put all of them in their crates with a cookie... and yes, sometimes they all screamed... of course also, they had company of the others... and I do have a doggy room with a doggy door to the yard... so I can/did put them all in there... or I would just wait till the pup was sleeping and ran and took my shower...ggg
I would use a higher value object then a nylabone. My puppies really like the Puppy Ziggies by the makers of Kongs. They are really nice puppy chews because they are not too hard and crumble pretty easily but were a nice high value reward for the pups. A stuffed Kong is also good. Or maybe a Treat Stik,, with his breakfast in it.