Vaccinations 101 – The Whole Dog Journal August 2008 issue
There is an excellent article in the August 2008 issue of _The Whole Dog Journal _entitled Vaccinations 101 by Lisa Rodier. It is about Dr. Ronald Schultz and his studies on canine vaccines, including his current 5 & 7 year challenge studies on the rabies vaccine being financed by The Rabies Challenge Fund.
I just read this article the other day and it is really well done. I love seeing articles like this and I only wish more of the public would read these and take them to heart.
I cant wait until veterinarians stop pushing yearly or even every three year vaccinations when study after study is showing they last so much longer and how much damage they can actually do. I look forward to the day that conservative vaccine protocols are the norm and people arent pressured into giving vaccinations that arent needed.
You might also be interested in the July 30, 2008 Animal Talk Radio interview with Dr. W. Jean Dodds and me: Duration of Immunity: The Rabies Vaccine Challenge - Show #185 Animal Talk Radio Show 7/30/08
We talk about the core canine vaccines and booster frequency as well as the rabies vaccine.