Well, Wed. my B, Sahara drove me crazy. She was in one of those I know you are leaving me and I want to keep you here moods. She was getting into everything, surfing my kitchen counters, bathroom counters, tables anything she could pull to her with her long legs so she could get Mommy to chase her for it and delay her leaving me. She got a couple of things, and then the ultimate thing, my glasses. She has gotten them before, I really try to keep them out of her sight, and she was chewing them, (I heard the crunch of hard plastic). Now my hubby had gone to a dental appt. so we could not double time her, easier to catch a basenji. She ended up making my lense fall out, I was really ticked. I was trying to get out of the house, had to meet my best friend for lunch, it was her B-day. As I was going out of the house with packages in hand, trying to lock the door, Sahara grabbed my glasses once again from my purse, and off she went AGAIN!!!!! I am outside in my front yard, yelling DROP IT!!!!! Does she do it? NOPE!!!!! Now she has my glasses and broke the right template off, so now I have my glasses that I love by the way with only one lense and one earpiece on them. I finally got in the car and dreamed of drinking a BOTTLE OF WINE!!!!! Of course I did not do this, a couple of glasses on special occassions, now to finish, I called Lenscrafters and they have to order me a new frame, and don't know if the frame I have is still available. I hate this b/c I have Black square eye shape, with rhinestones on the side in 2 small strips, I bet 100 people have commented me on my glasses and said they love them. To get to the point, All in All I love my Sahara and can always get another frame, but Darn she does drive me crazy at times. Would I trade he for another dog, NOPE, NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: