• my last name is dolbow (DOLL-BOW).. but whenever telemarketers call.. its constantly its DALbow. where did the A come from?!

    its not gonna get better either.. dan's last name is Haaf. pronounced like Half, but no L. he will SPELL it to people over the phone H-A-A-F and they always repeat H-A-F-F.. i mean come on! open your ears! lol

  • There was a wonderfully talented person at a community college who modified materials for students with disabilities. I needed to call this person to set up a meeting with a Congressman I worked for and had to call ahead cause I didn't know how to say his name = they said just like it sounds…....... BoyToy.

  • Hahahaha!
    OH, I love that!
    Was he??

  • nope he was an older - oriental gentleman - very ernest and hardworking - I wondered if he ever knew why we choked on his name.

  • CONGRATS!!!!on you degree acomplishments!!!! As far as your name goes I would sit everyone…your family and the neighbors...down and make them all understand your name right then:)

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