Worlds Funniest B Pictures!!
great pics!!
Lexi does not like to sing Christmas carols:
Lexi getting body slammed by Daddy… hehehe :) lol
Either Lexi's become Elizabethan or she'd totally bored with the Hawaiian photo shoot:
Lexi looks to me for help getting that ball away from Ayda:
Ayda trying to tell Lexi "what's up"…
Lexi says… oh yeh?? Take this!
HAHA!! Love it
Love the Santa dog picture
AND…Here is a "Jack has the Itchies" Picture, i think its
And Jack and my husband play fighting, LOL!!!****
Here is a Scary Jack picture, he's going for his rope (in mid air off camera)**Lastly, Ive posted this in another thread but Jack's facial expression in this one is priceless (kinda scary too…)
LOL. what are u talkin about IT IS SOOO funny!! lol Your B looks like my Jackers
Practicing Kung Fu
Passed out in the food bowl again!