What is the dog whisper method for a nipping and biting B
That's a link to one conversation….I did find it a bit hard to find; had to go back thru, looking for something from a week or so ago.
It is really hard to advise someone, without really understanding the behavior. With puppies, they best idea is to ignore them, and disengage when they use their mouths in play. Usually that behavior goes away as they learn more appropriate ways to play with humans. If it is remaining into adulthood, the dog is getting something out of it...maybe someone in the house rough plays with the dog? And the dog doesn't know why it is okay sometimes and not others. Maybe the dog likes the feedback of whatever correction you are using?
There is no "one answer fits all" for this behavior. Personally, I don't like a lot of the dog whisperer's techniques, so I wouldn't be able to help you there.
We are west of Toledo. My husband is from Chagrin Falls though :) We go to Cleveland often.
I'm still stuck at your remark that you "beat him". Perhaps that's your problem???
I also am surprise that you have a dog that still bites at his age.
Nipping/biting issues are usually resolved at an early age. I think if you give more information about your dog…age..when you got him...what type of discipline are you using; your reaction when he nips/bites...when he bites; etc. Maybe we can help you with the problem.
welcome to my world nothing I do is helping me with my B's nipping. I have looked at the past forums and have tried alittle bit of all but still nothing. Though my b is 1 year old and we've only had him for 2 months. Did your B just start with the nipping or is this somthing you can't brake him out of?
Hi All,
Not to take anything away from the "Dog Whisperer", but before you take all he says as gospel, do more research on your own. There is no training method that works on all dogs, all the time. Even he says this. Modern animal behavioralists have some serious problems with his methods. The type of sensory "flooding" he uses is old school, and I personally would never subscribe to it. Just my personal opinion. There are people who swear by Mr. Millan….. -
One realization I've come upon with my B (even though I've had dogs for most of my life) is consistency and patience. It might not work the first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time, etc., etc., but with patience and consistency, it WILL work eventually.
Let me explain. My boy had a humping issue. Any time people came to visit, they were liable to be humped if they paid him any attention. After, literally, months of leashing him when he started the behavior (keeping him by my side and ignoring him until the visitors left), he finally got the message: if I want attention, I've got to remember: NO HUMPING ALLOWED!
My point is, a lot of times people give up on a discipline technique after a few tries. DON'T GIVE UP! Pick a technique and stick with it. Your dog will eventually get the message you're trying to send. In my experience, there are generally, unfortunately, no "quick fixes."
You are right on….disciplinary actions, negative reinforcement need not be acute...they can be repetitive over time and work. Pack dynamics are pretty complex, and making yourself the "Alpha" is not the end all. A recent Univ. of Minn. study on Wolves suggests even the Alpha in a Wolf pack is not the Alpha all the time...... -
One realization I've come upon with my B (even though I've had dogs for most of my life) is consistency and patience. It might not work the first time, the second time, the third time, the fourth time, etc., etc., but with patience and consistency, it WILL work eventually.
A BIG DITTO on that!!! :)
Especially if you're like ME and work where you don't have many hours to spend working with your dog each day then it will take EVEN LONGER for your dog to learn. I can only work with my dogs once a day & since I can't over work them (otherwise they start to loose focus) it turns out to 10 maybe 15 minutes a day which is only about an hour a week…talk about a slow pace. It pays to be patient
Our puppy is almost 5 months old and he sometimes nips. Of course he doesn't realize that he is doing this because he thinks we are playing. I stop what I am doing and if he tries to bite again I make a sound like it hurts me and he then will stop and lick me.
I have tried putting my hand over his mouth (cupping it) but have found that it only creates more play. Instinctively our B thinks any form of discipline I try is a form of play.
Just stop and stare. That usually works.
The Dog Wisperer is a wonderful tool for other types of dogs IMO. Basenji's are a unique breed that require special attention. I've found that you MUST make your Basenji realize that you are the pack leader.
Good Luck and keep us posted! -
A good way to establish dominance is to make the NILIF method a part of your life. See:
I do think that the ignoring will eventually help with nipping, the only problem is that until they get it, it soes hurt. My B has slowed down a little on the nipping though not completly and now I use his crate sometimes. No I don't put him inside as punishmen but I tell him no bite or crate and I show him the crate. Similar to a child and their room. Since he has slowed down a bit on the nipping I haven't bought the baby gate but that's still an idea as a time out because our B dosen't hate anything more than being kept from us.
Dogs are really aware of body language. When you ignore your dog for biting try to remember to turn your shoulder away. A turn away is a distance increasing signal to a dog, you are telling it that you do not want to interact with it anymore. My own dogs use this in communicating with each other. It does sometimes take a little while for the wound up puppy to take the hint but it does seem to be effective with time.