PuppyMill Rescue Pics: Lady's Famous 5–Team Destructo!!!

  • Vegas, these are the best pictures! I love them all!

  • Vegas, You are correct.
    I fell in love with them all, but there was one little guy that I was partial to. I have always wanted a red and white male with symetrical white on his face, and this little guy was exactally what I would have "ordered". However, I have a 4yo open faced tri that is now my baby and he would have loved a little brother. I am just not ready for a puppy yet, however, if I could have taken "Lenny" home to my squiggy….I would have 🙂
    They were all so cute, I am glad they got rescued!

  • luv luv luv the PUPPIES 😃 :D:D

  • @ChristyRutherford:

    Vegas, You are correct.
    I fell in love with them all, but there was one little guy that I was partial to. I have always wanted a red and white male with symetrical white on his face, and this little guy was exactally what I would have "ordered". However, I have a 4yo open faced tri that is now my baby and he would have loved a little brother. I am just not ready for a puppy yet, however, if I could have taken "Lenny" home to my squiggy….I would have 🙂
    They were all so cute, I am glad they got rescued!

    okay: The one with the straight stripe up his head. OR, one of the ones with the stripe up the head with the star/spot in the middle? If star/spot, do you remember if it was the "thin" white stripe, or the "thicker" one…

    geesh...I was attached to them too....never enough to call them anything but "puppy" though.:rolleyes: 😉

  • @Vegas:

    okay: The one with the straight stripe up his head. OR, one of the ones with the stripe up the head with the star/spot in the middle? If star/spot, do you remember if it was the "thin" white stripe, or the "thicker" one…

    geesh...I was attached to them too....never enough to call them anything but "puppy" though.:rolleyes: 😉

    It was the thicker white stripe. He is a little male. I think he is the one facing the camera in the last picture.

  • @ChristyRutherford:

    It was the thicker white stripe. He is a little male. I think he is the one facing the camera in the last picture.

    I am almost betting he is the one in the last picture towards the top left in the pile with his eyes open. If I had to guess that is my little "lenny".
    I kept telling my sister we should just slip him into my purse and tell the next pick up person that we were only given 1 adult and 4 pups :p
    In reality, I can have another right now, but I will in the future. I have 2 litters of kittens on the way along with a stray that just had kittens that I have to place. And a wild-man Squiggy that will be a bit overwhelmed in a month with the kittens.
    However, I WILL have another basenji. And I say I want a puppy, but the basenji with the sad story will probably be the one that moves in. That is how I got Squiggy, who I would not trade for the world, instead of my dream red and white puppy:)

  • @ChristyRutherford:

    I kept telling my sister we should just slip him into my purse and tell the next pick up person that we were only given 1 adult and 4 pups :p

    Hey now! Don't drag me into this! :p I turned over 1 adult and 5 pups. Against my wishes (I'm in love with them all) but I did it.<dramatic sigh=""></dramatic>

  • @alkite:

    Hey now! Don't drag me into this! :p I turned over 1 adult and 5 pups. Against my wishes (I'm in love with them all) but I did it.<dramatic sigh=""></dramatic>

    I was all ready to blame it all on you :p We could have each got one and blamed it on the person after me?….sounds like a plan we should have used:p
    That was such a great time. Except we had to stop twice to clean up dog gifts that were stinking up my car. My co-pilot was of no help because she was dry heaving and gagging. Who would think something so small and cute could be so rotten on the inside. It also didnt help that they were all stepping in it....eww
    But everything went well.
    Did you and your mom have fun shopping?

  • @ChristyRutherford:

    I was all ready to blame it all on you :p We could have each got one and blamed it on the person after me?….sounds like a plan we should have used:p
    That was such a great time. Except we had to stop twice to clean up dog gifts that were stinking up my car. My co-pilot was of no help because she was dry heaving and gagging. Who would think something so small and cute could be so rotten on the inside. It also didnt help that they were all stepping in it....eww
    But everything went well.
    Did you and your mom have fun shopping?

    See, I got the good leg of the delivery, no puppy poo! 😃 We had a good time shopping, but we shopped a little too long and had one heck of a time getting home. We made it though. Unfortunately we were forced to stop in Terre Haute at TJ MAXX to take a break on the way back. 😉
    Did you gals get any shopping in?

  • We got a bit in at Circle Center but we were in a hurry to get home before the freezing rain started. Which it did, and it took us a while to get home on I65, but we made it.
    We probably should have found a tjmaxx to shelter ourselves from the storm;)

    Oh, and thanks for telling the little pups to "hold it" for the next leg!
    It wasnt to bad for me, but my copilot was ready to jump out the window to get away from the stink:p

  • Oh, the joy and "Pain" of puppies.
    Love the photos.
    More importanly, it great these dogs will have loving homes and
    not stuck in wire cages in the puppymill sector.

  • More photos, more photos, more photos!!!!!!!

    Plllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee …..........

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