Well, and actually my Daddy was a southern boy and he's the one who had us feeding our dogs once a day. Probably because his family was dirt poor and didn't have table scraps twice a day, LOL
FIVE times a day!! Wow. I'd never remember! We'd have the most inconsistent feeding schedule!
With Senji's liver disease, the vet recommends feeding him 4 small meals/day. I make little balls out of his canned food and hide a pill in each one. He takes his meds twice a day. He doesn't really like the dry Science Diet-liver diet formula unless I add some broth to it. He's been waking up at night to eat, so I've been leaving a little of the dry food in his bowl. That's the only time he'll eat it plain. (I guess when he's hungry enough, he'll eat anything.) I'm weaning him off the prednisone. He's down to 5mg/day. Maybe his appetite will calm down a little.
Before he was diagnosed with this liver problem, he would often eat grass when his stomach was upset. Then he'd go into this full body heave with his tail "pumping" and vomit the grass and yellow bile.