The lady that lived in my home before me kept her dog locked up in a bedroom and she never cleaned its pee or its poop up until she was moving out. Its a mobile home with hardwood flooring. I have mopped and soaked and mopped and soaked the floors and the smell is still there. It has soaked under the flooring I believe. Is there anything i can use to help get the smell out???
You most likely will have to pull up the floor and possibly the subflooring and replace it all. You can try to paint the floor by using Kilz with an odor sealer (ask them which one to use) and see if that will take care of it first before you go ripping up your floors, but if it is that bad, I'm not sure if you will be that lucky. Good luck to ya.
Is this a rental, or did you buy the property? If this is a rental, contact the landlord immediately! If you purchased the property, you may have recourses that you can the REALTOR® you worked with (or a Real Estate Attorney).
Try one (or all) of these homemade solutions:
DIY (Cat) Stain and Odor Remover
3 natural homemade cleaners
Six Homemade Remedies for Dog Stains and OdorsIf all else fails, speak with a local stain removal professional and/or get some quotes for replacing the floor. I don't envy you with this... good luck. (Please share whatever ends up working!)
I discovered a product years ago that really works called Odoban. It works by killing the bacteria causing the odor. Get a gallon of concentrate from Home Depot for under $10.
I’d dilute it with at least half water. The dilution ratios are on the label. Thoroughly saturate/soak the area and leave it. You can use it on carpet too.
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