I don't see any pictures either :(
What is her registered name? No shame in bragging when you have a well bred dog ;). -
hmmm... let's do this the old-school way:!Amw_xo4r6YFzi5lv-UcJWygXGSWuWgMy appologies; I was sure that I had figured out the image link issue. :-/
OK - that took a few tries, LOL We all learn in different ways.
replied to CrazySenji on last edited by
@crazysenji I"m not sure if I'm doing this right, so please bear with me. It's my understanding that she's earned all of her points, so:
Ch.(?) Undercover Yankee Spitfire (AT AB?)
Sire: CH Escapade's High Five
Dam: GCHS DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna by Signet SCCool! I see Meisterhaus in your dog(s) lineage as well. :)
All of my dogs are Meisterhaus. Not in their lines, they ARE Meisterhaus ;).
Your girl has a very nice pedigree! Very pretty head.
replied to CrazySenji on last edited by
@tanza So, I should list her as "GCH AM CH Undercover Yankee Spitfire at AB"? Still Alphabet Soup to me! Thank you!
@crazysenji Thank you, and a question... do you mean Meisterhaus kennel?
Yes my dogs came from Meisterhaus kennel. When you say “in their lines” it is less direct, like saying they have relatives from that line/kennel. I was just clarifying where mine are from. :)
My first dog had “Undercover” in his lines but he was bred by meisterhaus.
Also, you don’t have to say “Am Ch”. Just GCh will do because to be a grand champion you need to first be a champion. It’s like listing it twice. The “Am” means American. Some people like to list it all out though, it’s preference.