Hi there, and welcome for having us.
While researching dogs about a year ago, we came across the Basenji's. I immediately fell in love with their looks. After reseaching their character and temperament, it became even worse. Then my wife found Shasta, a Shi-Tzu/Maltese mix and we ended up with her. She is a great dog with a wonderful personality, and wouldn't want to miss her for the world anymore!
But the Basenji's keep getting my attention. We finally contacted a breeder, which took as under their wings into the world of Basenji's. She brought us into contact with a Junior owner, who had three dogs and needed to place them fast. After meeting with her at the breeder's house, we introduced Shasta to Serena, a beautiful six-year old brindle girl. And they just hit it off!!
So a year went by, but we ended up with a Basenji! And she's just terrific. We've had her at the house for about two weeks now, and adjusting just greatly!
Thanks for letting me share our story here:)