Greetings all!
Hello to everyone. This is great, finally a place where crazy basenji people can converse about the great breed we have. Well to introduce myself, I am also staff at Basenji Park, along with basenjiboy and dogtravler. My duties there are physical training and grounds keeping. I also go along with dogtravler to some of the shows where i am kennel staff (dog walker). I own some and coe own some of the 6 basenji we have, not sure which ones anymore lost track after the 4th one. I also am in charge of many other creatures at Basenji Park, we also have a smooth fronted caiman, a number of turtles,tortioses, and lots of fish. The caiman and the turtles are housed in lake Basenji (a pond in the basement). I will post some pics of the other residents of Basenji Park. Basenji has posted most all the pics of the dogs so i will post some of the others.
welcome! basenji park sounds great and hope to emmulate it one day. i also keep a red eared slider but in an for the caiman…i wonder if they taste as good as gators? lol
Hello to everyone. This is great, finally a place where crazy basenji people can converse about the great breed we have. Well to introduce myself, I am also staff at Basenji Park, along with basenjiboy and dogtravler. My duties there are physical training and grounds keeping. I also go along with dogtravler to some of the shows where i am kennel staff (dog walker). I own some and coe own some of the 6 basenji we have, not sure which ones anymore lost track after the 4th one. I also am in charge of many other creatures at Basenji Park, we also have a smooth fronted caiman, a number of turtles,tortioses, and lots of fish. The caiman and the turtles are housed in lake Basenji (a pond in the basement). I will post some pics of the other residents of Basenji Park. Basenji has posted most all the pics of the dogs so i will post some of the others.
Welcome to the forum Son, good information, good fun, good people.;)