Our trip to Montreal and Boston. One is of Basil looking out the window on the ferry to Martha's Vineyard and the other is riding in the car on the way to Boston. I'll post more later but they were too large to post right now.
I tried the link and there were several videos on octopi??? while i think octopi are amazing creatures (imagine a basenji with 8 suction cupped legs!), it's not what I was looking for.
When I first read the post I thought "woohoo maybe this means she will move back to Atlanta!". Then I saw the pics and said "drat".
Sorry to get your hopes up like that. But the guest room is all set up. Give me another week & I'll have the house basenji proofed, and you and your whole gang can come visit for an extended vacation!
funny.. Webcams are a blessing but I also think that before the cams we ventured more on a limb as supposed to take the comfort road and stay in if the weather looks iffy. The dogs probably don't care one way or another, pending rain of course..
I do go up there when it's foggy only I know how to dress or at least take a jacket. In the summer it's usually about 58-61 degrees with the fog.