Coat Color Inheritance in basenji
tri factored black dog - Kk ayat
tri factored red dog - kk ayatUse punnett square for K locus and another punnett square for A locus:
k........Kk.......kkSo, we have Kk (twice) and kk (twice)
A locus:
at..........ayat......atatWe got ayay, ayat (twice), atat
Than put both, K and A locus, together (every K result with every A result):
Kk ayay - black
Kk ayat - tri factored black
Kk atat - tri factored blackkk ayay - red
kk ayat - tri factored red
kk atat - tricolorOr, with your letters:
tri factored black dog - Kk Yy
tri factored red dog - kk Yy….......K........k
y..........Yy......yyAnd than again, put all together:
Kk YY - black
Kk Yy - tri factored black
Kk yy - tri factored blackkk YY - red
kk Yy - tri factored red
kk yy - tricolor -
Big Y is a red
small y - tricolor,saddle,agouti and recesiv gen.Can not have four different meaningsYes i know that. But when you put ay, at, etc. it confuses me. I need the coding to be is Y,y, K, and k. I think thats it. but i cant follow when people add in different letter cuz i dont understand it :(
Which sucks cuz when you use letters i know it starts getting easier and easier lol
tri factored black dog - Kk ayat
tri factored red dog - kk ayatUse punnett square for K locus and another punnett square for A locus:
k........Kk.......kkSo, we have Kk (twice) and kk (twice)
A locus:
at..........ayat......atatWe got ayay, ayat (twice), atat
Than put both, K and A locus, together (every K result with every A result):
Kk ayay - black
Kk ayat - tri factored black
Kk atat - tri factored blackkk ayay - red
kk ayat - tri factored red
kk atat - tricolorOr, with your letters:
tri factored black dog - Kk Yy
tri factored red dog - kk Yy….......K........k
y..........Yy......yyAnd than again, put all together:
Kk YY - black
Kk Yy - tri factored black
Kk yy - tri factored blackkk YY - red
kk Yy - tri factored red
kk yy - tricolorOH! ok! so you dont do them all together. you do letter with letter and then add them! Oh ok!!! Thank you soo much! That helps alot!
Kk YY - black
Kk Yy - tri factored black
Kk yy - tri factored blackkk YY - red
kk Yy - tri factored red
kk yy - tricolorWhere did you get the bold ones. I understand how to get the others but if you do it and add them together it makes no sense. …to me
OR do you have to do
3...4do you have to do 1 with 1, 1 with 2, 1 with 3, 1 with 4....then 2 with 2, 2 with 3, 3 with 4....then 3 with 3, 3 with 4....then 4 with 4. and then take all the alike genes and group them. then take all the unalike genes and
that is how you go the 2 extra genes?
(I used 1,2,3,4 just to make it easier to understand than using letters K, Y, etc.) -
from K locus we got:
Kk (and again Kk) - 1
kk (and again kk) - 2from A locus we got:
YY - a
Yy (and again Yy) - b
yy - c1 + a = 1a (Kk YY)
1 + b = 1b (Kk Yy)
1 + c = 1c (Kk yy)
2 + a = 2a (kk YY)
2 + b = 2b (kk Yy)
2 + c = 2c (kk yy)Oh ook i think i get it now, thx for the help in clearifying it. so would "A" always be YY, "b" always be Yy and "C" always be yy? or is that just for this example?
oh. so how do you know what to use then. :(
It depends on the alleles of the dog. The litter that I co-bred and have been posting puppy pictures of the parents are KkYy and KkYY. If you do the two punnet square way instead of the 16 punnet square way you would get.
At the K locus
k........Kk.......kkAt the A locus
Y..........YY...........YySo we get
from K locus we got:
KK - 1
Kk (we get this twice) - 2
kk - 3from A locus we got:
YY (we get this twice) - a
Yy (we get this twice) - b1 + a = 1a (KK YY)
1 + b = 1b (KK Yy)
2 + a = 2a (Kk YY)
2 + b = 2b (Kk Yy)
3 + a = 3a (kk YY)
3 + b = 3b (kk Yy) -
hmmm. I guess i dont really get this part. How do you do a 16 punnet square? Maybe that will be easier for me. (maybe not lol)
ill try to examine them some more and see if i cant get it down.
Ok thank you :) id like to see that
It depends on the alleles of the dog. The litter that I co-bred and have been posting puppy pictures of the parents are KkYy and KkYY.
What is KkYy? is this a Black basenji with a tri gene? and KkYY. is this a red Basenji with a black gene?
these are, ironically, the only two that i didnt understand what they would be as dogs.
Cole - has a black and white dam and a tri dad. Based on his mom's litters we believe she is KkYY which makes him KkYy. He has to carry tri since his dad is tri.
TC - has a black and white sire and red and white dam. Based on pedigree and breedings, we believe she is KkYY.