wrote on 19 Jul 2006, 23:30 last edited by
Not only does Jazzy show off her lady-like qualities by burping loudly after every meal, but she also snores like a freight train. :eek: Anyone else?
wrote on 19 Jul 2006, 23:37 last edited by
Savannah is our snoring. She's been snoring since we first got her. She's also the one with bad breath. Talker doesn't have bad breath and he very, very rarely snores. Even with all her un-lady like qualities, she still is our precious special little B.
wrote on 20 Jul 2006, 19:00 last edited by
some times-it wakes me up!
He is very polite and rarely burps.When he breaks wind he runs from the room all embarrassed. -
wrote on 20 Jul 2006, 21:42 last edited by
some times-it wakes me up!
He is very polite and rarely burps.When he breaks wind he runs from the room all embarrassed.Oh how cute. When Talker does it, he just looks at you with the adoring eyes. I can't get upset.
wrote on 21 Jul 2006, 00:38 last edited by
I crack up each time the snoring begins…it's music: no doubt about it! Gibby also sticks just the tip of his tongue out of his mouth when he is really relaxed or sleeping. It's too cute I swear!
wrote on 8 Aug 2006, 04:35 last edited by
Abbey sleeps like a corpse! Most dogs kick and wiggle and whimper in their sleep but not this one. She doesn't even appear to be breathing.
wrote on 8 Aug 2006, 19:52 last edited by
When he breaks wind he runs from the room all embarrassed.
lol… when Tucker does that he looks AT his toosh, with this look like "what the heck was that?!" He also belches and snores.
wrote on 20 Aug 2006, 18:34 last edited by
Ripley snores so loud my girlfriend elbows me in the ribs and tells me to roll over thinking that it is me
wrote on 20 Aug 2006, 18:45 last edited by
Sandie snores kicks whimpers whines and has hiccups !!!
wrote on 31 Aug 2006, 03:01 last edited by
Sahara snores like a freight train, so does my husband and sometimes I get up and move in the guest room, the only problem is Sahara follows me. I can take one but not too snorers, my husband says I have left him to the dogs, haha. She will also whine when trying to get to me or my husband and a door is in her way, and when she breaks wind, she looks like, What's the Problem. Sahara does not have bad breath, she chews alot on rawhide, and greenies, those teeth are sparking all the time. haha
wrote on 16 Sept 2006, 01:29 last edited by
dayna snores too, and very loud. I do snore too but her snoring wakes me up sometimes. but I find it very cute when she snores, like Miche said, it is music to me most of the time. before Dayna, I did not know dogs snore or break wind and thigs like that, I learned how bad that breaking wind thing could be in a hard way:)))