Never heared of these judges before. But I have to tell you, that I am quite happy with these lots of new judges no one knows already. So you never know, what you can expect…..
That's True! 😃 On my showlist there are many unknown judges!
Only hope they all know enough of B's 😃
well mrs, Broecker, she judges my ibizans once on a show in the morning and later she called them back as she had to judge the pharaohhounds…
she is also not very carefull and really rough with the dogs she judges.
said enough? >grin<
but for the group you should not care about this 😉
Thanks 😃 For the group judgements we don't mind the judge..
But to call in an Ibizan for a Pharaoh… hmz... hahahaha
(did they play in the mud the day before show???)