Peeing in the crate!
My basenji simba has been peeing in his crate when we leave. It all starts before we even put him in his crate. I always make sure to let him outside to do his buisness before we leave. then when i let him back in and we go in the room where his crate is to put him in, he will start to get anxious and run circles and start to whine. When i get him in his crate sometimes he will pee right away and other times he dosent do it until we are gone. Does anyone else have this problem or know any solutions.:confused:
How old is Simba? Is this something new? Or ongoing? Are you certain that when you are putting him outdoors he is going? Most likely taking him for a walk before crating might be a good idea (if you are not doing that)…. then you know for sure that he has gone.
Simba is 5yrs old, its a rather new thing. Like within the past year. I go out with him and i know that he is going potty when he goes out. We have always had other dogs with him and now he is the only dog. Do you think that could possibly be the issue?
Simba is 5yrs old, its a rather new thing. Like within the past year. I go out with him and i know that he is going potty when he goes out. We have always had other dogs with him and now he is the only dog. Do you think that could possibly be the issue?
Sounds like he anxiety about being alone.
Has he been tested for Fanconi? Is there a possibility he might have a urinary infection?
Good ideas, both… and if both are OK, then I would seriously think
anxiety if this is a new behavior and you have had recent changes in the home concerning the loss of other dogs. -
My dog peed in his crate last night for the first time. I remember being told that he would forget his toilet trainning when he started to teethe. Anyone else experience this?
My dog peed in his crate last night for the first time. I remember being told that he would forget his toilet trainning when he started to teethe. Anyone else experience this?
Yes definitely…I can remember a specific time that I was playing with Liyah and a tooth fell out - then she jumped down off the couch and peed right on the floor. I'd say that was because of teething. :D
My dog peed in his crate last night for the first time. I remember being told that he would forget his toilet trainning when he started to teethe. Anyone else experience this?
Happens a lot when they start to get their adult teeth for whatever reason, not all of them, but many experience this… mine were split about 50/50....
My boy Cairo has started to pee in his crate sometimes when my mom puts him in there, he doesn't do it a lot. He is 4 1/2 months old, he has been doin great on goin to the door when he wants out to do number 1 and 2. He lost a tooth that my mom found while I was at work the other day and I looked in his mouth and eevidently he has lost two. Bout midway back in his mouth, I can see the adult teeth barely poking through his gums.