@elbrant She was like lightning! ⚡️
Jester Masai
Great pics!! I really had to laugh when I saw his vampire head
(and I'm in the train now.. So everybody was looking at me ;))
Those are really wonderful…Made me laugh at my desk at work!
great pics the last he just looks like a sleeping angel but I love action pictures. The blurred picture is he shaking something or is that his white markings?
He looks like a real character! Very cute!!!:)
great pics the last he just looks like a sleeping angel but I love action pictures. The blurred picture is he shaking something or is that his white markings?
Blurred white something are his legs :D.
Love your pics especialy the 6th and 7th. In the 6th he looks like he's doing the Elvis Presley lip curl
What a gorgeous boy and i love his name -
Excellent pictures!
Wonderful pics of a wonderful boy!
Still a baby - like my Thabo :p Love the silly little vampire-boys! :o
Fun, funny photos, love the curled lips, and barely showing the fangs.
Great wrinkles!
What a beauty..his wrinkles are amazing, like a little worry wort..The action shot rocks..
They are very cute! I love the wrinkles!