I ordered a test kit for Nemo since he was having what looked like a bad case of inflammatory bowel disease. I had suspicions of some food intolerances and I was going to trial this test to see if it came back with results which were consistent with what I observed. For instance he has always had issues with chicken so I was curious if it would indicate an intolerance. Unfortunately the full panel wasn't available until February and I got the test kit at a point where he was too ill for the test to be of any real use, so I never used it. So, I will be curious to see if it is worth the expense in the future. As much of a pain as food issues are, it would be worth the money for me if it actually works.
Dr. Dodd- Thyroid Issue
My basenji Sonny will be having blood drawn for a thyoid pannel in two weeks. Since becoming aware that he may have a thyroid issue I've been reading all I can on the topic. It seems alot of what I've been reading has been linked to Dr. Dodds. Does anyone recommend I ask my vet to have Sonny's blood sent to her lab for the thyroid pannel or should I just have it done by my vets lab?
Sonny's Mom
Lisa -
My basenji Sonny will be having blood drawn for a thyoid pannel in two weeks. Since becoming aware that he may have a thyroid issue I've been reading all I can on the topic. It seems alot of what I've been reading has been linked to Dr. Dodds. Does anyone recommend I ask my vet to have Sonny's blood sent to her lab for the thyroid pannel or should I just have it done by my vets lab?
Sonny's Mom
LisaI had the vet draw it then I sent it myself.
I don't do so well with blood so I don't think I want to do that myself :o) If my vet wont send it I read where I can send her the lab report and pay a consultation fee for her to review the results.
Definitely have it sent to her. If you want to send it to her yourself, it is only serum, not whole blood, so it is separated and spun down so that all you would handle would be a tube of clear liquid with a golden hue to it.
You vet will have to send it out, as the labs that usually do Vet's blood work (and many Vets do their own) do not do the full panel. If you Vet doesn't want to send to Dr. Dodds, then after you get the report you can send it to her. She will be happy to read and advise for you.
My vet sends blood to U of Michigan, and I relay those results to Dr. Dodds, she is wonderful about helping guide therapy. My vet gives whatever dose she recommends.
I had my vet send it to the local lab they use and then sent the results to Dr. Dodds. I also sent a history of the dog as well, so that Dr. Dodds had a background.
I had my dog's blood taken by my Vet, (here in ole Tassie town !!!), and just last Monday I sent it myself to Dr Dodd's Lab, and Im currently waiting for the lab to let me know they have it. Apparently I have 14 days, and tomorrow it will be day 8… Am I nervous, you bet I am ;)... Both for the blood to get there, and for the results...
Sorry Sonyboy, I really dont mean to highjack you thread :o.
I just wanted to say that I have just got an email to say that Saba's blood has jsut arrived and I should have the results by Wednesday your time Yaaaaay