@june no, Thor is gone in a hot minute. I know some dogs can be trained to come when called...
We have a lever on the front door, Thor learned as quickly as he was tall enough to pull the lever down weight bare on the door and Basenji gone. We never let him off a lease. Good luck with your new pup and training.

Sandy Hovis
Escape artist -
Newish owner needs advice@sharronhurlbut
We live in SW Fl, it rains everyday in the summer, our boy Thor has to just suck it up. We try to hold off when we can, but when nature calls, a quick trip outside....do our business and shake off under the portico -
Newish owner needs advice@lvoss
I sit, nuzzle and cuddle with my B, Thor on the couch all the time. He has a mat on the floor when he wants to rest and stretch out. It’s not prohibitive, but if we don’t want him up there we direct him off....and he is told to go to place. -
Just another day in the life...@lindaw54 I have B&W too, toooo cute.
When your Basenji plants its feet@hamtaro you better “nip that in the bud”, the biting gets worse if you do not stand firm. Biting is not acceptable...trust me....it might be up setting now, but an older dog is worse. Get you training in now to prevent problems later.
To keep or not to keep?Thank you for wanting to try, but this little one is not a give away kinda of dog? If it Is indeed a Basenji, you could post in your area for a lost pup. They may be too young to be chipped. Call the shelters, call local vets to see if some One lost this pup.
She will not do well outside, they are smart, agility is off the charts and stealthy even as a puppy.
Please, be a gentleman and try to locate the owner. This breed is not your normal run of the mill dog. They may not be vocal, but they make up their kind of communication in every other way. What they do best is out smart the best of us.
Please post a picture and maybe this forum can help you find her real home, their are many people on this site that have connections with around the world breeders and rescues, and they are an amazing resource.While she is with you please take care of this special little pup; they are rare in the US, check with breeders in Tx. I almost bought a pup myself from a breeder there; also, check with rescuers for Basenjis, . Good luck, I do hope you find the owner for both your sakes.
Basenji in Brampton?Where is Brampton? I live in SW Florida?
Hello from Doug and Atlas@tanza
you would not believe how little information from some breeders we new owner's get.
There are very few vets that know or understand Basenjis, very few trainers that even heard of the breed much less can help a new owner.....but with that said, I am thankful for this site and the information that all of you share with us....I personally want to thank all of you for keeping up such a great site for us newbies.
Basenji’s are one tough little cookie with all their idiosyncrasies....it almost seems you don’t teach them, they teach you the how to’s of what not to do with a Basenji..... These little guys and gals, are amazing to me still. I marvel at how smart, agile, fast, stealthy and beautifully regal they are..2 years in and still learning.
.....and I wouldn’t change a thing. -
New (adult) basenji bitingI am not gonna sugar coat this....
If you are that worried with him around new people or strangers use a soft muzzles, especially when near small children.
A cloth muzzle protects you both. It’s seems to settle them down and they are unable to bite. It’s not meant to be used often, the less the better. They can drink, they can open their mouth some, but they cannot bite. I am sure that over time your B will relax with you in your home and around visitors....always fore warn strangers visiting, it might be startling to them but it is better than them getting a bite. I am at the point I use it almost never.....If we go out with my B we use it, when visiting the vet, we use it, when very young children are around we use it"........if we are walking where there is a possibility he will get a startle...I use it.
I am sure there will be somebody on here that will disagree, but I do what I have to do to protect me, my dog and people around meTake this as a positive thing so that both of you can be comfortable in all situations.
Lip smacking + Drool@mnbadger sounds like he seems to be nervous and close to a motion sickness episode.
Thor our B Boy gets car sick every time and he displays the behavior you are talking about just before he hurls. He does not travel well at all. He gets very ill so we are not able to travel much further than the vet with him... -
Searching for a LONG time!There is a B rescue in Siminole, Florida......if you are in the southern east coast US....check her out.
Seminole, Florida
Camp Basenji in Seminole, Florida.Camp Basenji in Seminole, Florida - Adopt-a-Pet.com
How to bond with my male basenji pup@aury it sure is a great site, I too am new to this breed....they have help me in so many ways understand my boy Thor. It’s a good thing, welcome to the site and congrats on your new pup.
Biting update@eeeefarm seems to be working well...I had to put on my big girl trousers...I wanted to keep all ten digits if possible. LOL
I have found with me experimenting a bit.... if you can be quick while your finger is deep in the mouth , (like passing a pill) he doesn’t seem inclined to close or even try to bite. that’s a good thing. I have never had him throw up, wretch, or gag, it seems to be just unpleasant enough while reinforcing the words no bite. I too don’t suggest it will work with every dog, but Thor was way past the just say no mark. I wish I had know about this technique during his 1st year I was trying to set boundaries for him. Our time now is spent playing, walking and even a cuddle or two. -
Biting updateWant to give an update, my boy Thor would become overly aggressive and bitting became a “Big” problem. My husband and I are on the same page “now”. I saw a tech for this very problem and I am sure many of you are going to disagree, but it is working. Every time Thor starts to bite and no” is not working and he becomes overly stimulated and excited and I can’t stop him from nipping and bitting....I stick my finger deep in his throat (no he doesn’t clamp down)....sorta like gaging Him or pressing on roof of his mouth.., if he does not stop and bite is harder than I expect from mouthing, I will repeat the technique ....he stops, and appropriately mouths and licks my hand. Good boy.
If he begins too inappropriately bite I say no bite, show him my finger, now he hesitates. It is no longer a big problem. I do not allow any escalation of excitement when playing with him, I walk away, if he grabs my pants or try’s to bite me....I show him the dreaded finger. He is smart and he knows this is not a ball game and no 3 strikes....
being a young dog he gets easily excited and Still doesn’t know when to stop sometimes. If by chance he does grab at me, I use the technique and biting and nipping is over. He loves to petted and stroked and praised....he gets a lot of that too.
This little trick has done more for Thor and us than all the “No”s.....put together.
So if you have a biter.....IJS... -
How to bond with my male basenji pupThor very seldom vocalizes, my neighbor (lady)....probably gets the best vocal response of anybody around.
It’s gonna be sweet when they do, but it may be seldom.....so enjoy it when you hear it. -
Sandy HovisDid you get the email.... I have trouble posting pictures....and wasn’t sure what you needed?
This breed was brand new to us, we didn’t get a lot of solid info....Our breeder had a great reputation in the past. -
Sandy Hovis@zande let me send you what I have.
By email -
5 PM Tasmanian DevilWil check it out
Sandy HovisSandy Hovis, from SW Fl, USA.
My B-Boy Thor is a black and white male, born right here in Florida.
He was born 12-5-2017.We call him Prince Thor of Flordon
Thin Skin, OUCH!@tanza listen to these ladies and gents, follow their lead.....they have helped me with some tough love, working with my 2 year old Thor to reduce this same behavior.....the B babies grow in B boys and girls and the biting just get worse. For me these built in Alphas will take the lead if you don’t stay at least a half step ahead of them.
Thor is a work in progress, I wish I had found these warm loving and knowledgeable people when my B boy Thor was as young as your. congrats on the new member of your family.